I have a challenge, or rather, a project that you might like to explore. In fact, after I explain this, it might ruin your ability to watch games casually.

The next time you watch a traditional game, between two non-Read & React teams, do the following: In each possession, tally how many times the ball moves (pass or dribble) and how many of those were scoring threats, i.e., threats on the rim. Be sure to count the ball being dribbled a few feet in any direction as one move, because with the Read & React, when the ball is dribbled a few feet East-West, the movement sends a teammate to the rim (Dribble-At).

Usually, with the non-R&R team, the ball is moved a few times and then one scoring attempt is made. Sometimes, it’s not moved at all: As the ball crosses the half-line, a high ball-screen is set and the ball is driven to the rim.

Read & React is designed to threaten the rim every time the ball moves (dribble or pass). If we move the ball 3 times, then 3 attempts are made at scoring.

If you begin to watch possessions in this manner, you’ll find similar numbers to what I’m finding (but, please, do your own homework). Here’s what I’m finding:

Non-R&R teams will move the ball 3 or 4 times in about 15 seconds and finally make 1 attempt at scoring. (That’s a generous estimate for some teams!)

Read & React teams will move the ball 4 to 6 times in 15 seconds and threaten to score each time. If the ball moves 6 times, then 6 attempts to score are made.

With this in mind, I have some questions for your non-R&R friends to ponder:

MMA / Boxing – Who stands the higher chance to win? The fighter who throws 100 punches in 5 minutes or the one who throws 5 punches in 5 minutes?
If you only have time for one shot against a charging mountain lion (or zombie) that is 15 feet away, would you prefer a shotgun or a rifle? (50 pellets with a 10-inch spread or one bullet?)

Why do coaches value Offensive Rebounds? Why is it that teams who get an overwhelming number of offensive rebounds usually wins? Because more scoring attempts per possession gives you a better chance at more POINTS per possession.
CONCLUSION: Much of the success of Read & React, i.e., increase in points per game, comes not from WHAT is being done. It is the FREQUENCY of what’s being done per possession!

This is an encouraging thought for your Read & React team to meditate upon. It’s built into to the design of the Read&React: Every time the ball moves, a scoring attempt is created. The team that make the most scoring attempts stands the higher chance of scoring the most points.