Each of your players must choose ONLY ONE of the actions/decisions below. (Players can choose the same action/decision.)

After cutting through the lane, always fill out to an open spot
After cutting through the lane, set a back-screen on a perimeter player
When cutting through the lane, set a screen for a player in the post
When cutting through the lane, post up in the Ball-side Short Corner and then play off the next cutter or screen.
When cutting through the lane, post up in the Ball-side Mid-Post and demand the ball.
When cutting through the lane, post up in the Ball-side High Post and set a ball screen on the next pass.
When cutting through the lane, post up in the Weak-side Short Corner and wait to set a Pin Screen.
When cutting through the lane, post up in the Weak-side Mid-Post and wait for a screen.
When cutting through the lane, post up in the Weak-side High Post and set screens in order to shape up for 3 point shots.
After cutting through the lane, set or USE a Pin Screen on your way out the Weak-side.
Always Power Dribble when you receive the ball on the perimeter.
Always execute a Dribble-At or Double-Dribble-At when you receive the ball on the perimeter.
Always Reverse Dribble for a ball-screen when you receive the ball on the perimeter.
Now scrimmage and note the results of each player concentrating ONLY on what he/she thinks is their strength! There is power in simplification and playing to your strengths. Discover your game!