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Dr. Pete Andersen
World's Best Swimming Instructor
Since that time I've been Director of Aquatics for every kind of operation imaginable from local club pools to 10 lane 50 meter complexes with diving wells, and have taught well over 1000's to swim and 100's to be student instructors.
On a personal level I've also experienced almost every type of water sport to provide knowledge of the powerful forces of moving water in waves, currents, and temperatures as well as marine life to avoid risks in unfamiliar places.
At Indiana I learned how to apply all the physics principles to my teaching from Doc. Then six years later I earned my Ph.D. degree with emphasis in psychology of learning principles no other instructor knows about and also applied those principles to my teaching.
As a result I've introduced six new teaching methods and numerous correct visual, verbal, and kinesthetic (feeling) cues that are proven to get faster longer-lasting results.
July 1, 2008 I retired as an Illinois K-12 school superintendent to know curriculum development, and published my "Teach Yourself to Swim Like a Pro In One Minute Steps" book and companion video curriculum series for all the strokes plus water safety in unfamiliar places - the only complete video curriculum series on the market today. Major teaching organizations like the Red Cross and YMCA are far from producing what I have already accomplished.
My book/video packages have been sold in over six different countries and numerous states here in the U.S. As a Masters Swimming competitor I demonstrate what I teach and hold World and National Records for my age-group. I have also earned 21 Senior Olympic Summer Games Championships gold medals with records to match.
I have also coached All-American collegiate women and high school boys and large age-group teams of 150 members and more with only one assistant.
To my knowledge no other instructor has my credentials, education, or experience to teach you how to teach yourself or your kids as well as I do very fast in my famous system of easy-to-master one-minute steps. All my content is based on never out-of-date applied physics and psychology of learning principles!
Teach Yourself to Swim Series #1 of 14 - Teach Yourself (or Your Child) to Swim at Home Without a Pool
Views: 5568$17This is the 1st in a series of 14 very affordable "Teach Yourself to Swim" courses you can share with your entire family and friends. The value and benefits of each course are easily ten times what you'll invest in each course if you were to take swim lessons from any other program. I am your pro instructor with over 55 years of degreed teaching and coaching and competitive experience to demonstrate and teach you my proven correct methods and cues that get faster longer-lasting results. All my content is based on never out-of-date physics principles I learned as a 5-time All-American at Indiana U. coached by the legendary 1964 and 1976 Men's Olympic Coach, Doc Counsilman. And I include psychology of learning principles I learned from my Ph.D. no other instructor knows about. I reveal six new teaching methods so you can teach yourself or your kids. And if you are not comfortable with that then let me teach them with these courses and my videos you can easily download to your tablet or smartphone to take to the pool or lake where you can stand up! You'll get personal access to me via email or my personal cell phone so you can ask all your swimming questions and get good answers. If you live in rural or suburban areas or have several kids lessons for each cost lots of money. But now you can save money and let every family member learn at their own pace to overcome their fears. This is very helpful where you have no pool or experienced instructors. Learning to swim is the only sport that has the potential to save your life. And the life you save may be your own. In this course you'll start at home without a pool. You'll need a kitchen sink, dressing mirror, mattress, and a bath tub. I will teach you all the basic swimming skills so you can get familiar with breath holding, blowing bubles, floating, kicking, stroking, and body position and rolling. Then you can easily transfer these same familiar skills to the shallow end of a pool or lake where you can stand up! When you follow my system of easy-to-master one-minute steps you can be swimming in the shallow end in a only several hours.Views: 5568$17 -
Teach Yourself to Swim - Series Overview
Views: 5721FreeTeach Yourself (or Your Kids) to Swim is a series of 14 brief courses. I use a new system of easy-to-master one-minute steps you can easily teach yourself or others to do. But you must follow my sequence and master each small step before moving on to learn the next step. All my content is based on physics and psychology of learning principles that are proven to get you faster longer-lasting results. This is "THE NEW SCIENCE OF SWIMMING INSTRUCTION." The benefit is you can download the courses to your tablet and take to the pool to learn the entire series for all the strokes plus valuable knowledge of water safety in unfamiliar places most lesson programs do not take time to teach you. The first of 14 courses will be TEACH YOURSELF (OR YOUR KIDS) TO SWIM AT HOME WITHOUT A POOL. I am your instructor with 55 plus years of teaching experience and the only instructor with a Ph.D. in psychology of learning principles. The physics principles I learned as a 5-time All-American coached by the legend, Doc Counsilman who was our U.S. Men's Olympic Team coach in 1964 and 1976 and who also coached Mark Spitz while earned my B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physical Education to know teaching methods. I also hold Masters Swimming World and National Records in my age group and have 21 Gold Medals in Senior Olympic Summer Games National Championships to practice what I preach. In addition, I have coached All-American collegiate women and high school boys and large age-group swim teams. What's most important is I demonstrate and teach you the correct visual, verbal, and kinesthetic (feeling the water pressure) cues that are guaranteed to get you fast results. If you're a parent and don't feel comfortable teaching your children, then let me teach them with my valuable and affordable courses on your TV or tablet to do this for you when your time is limited but you still want to protect your family. You all get to learn at your own pace and not pay for practice time or repeated lessons you can forget. You can review lessons in my system anytime as a one-time investment resource. I guarantee you and your kids will learn more from me in one hour than taking lessons from any other instructor - OR you call me and I will refund your money. For the first time I am sharing all my teaching methods, cues, tips, and secrets I've learned over the past 55 years! And you can learn all that and more from me in only a few hours of your time. The rewards are huge!!!! Learning to swim is the only sport that has the potential to save your life. My course on Teach Yourself To Swim - Water Safety in Unfamiliar Places teaches you what risks to avoid even when you are a great swimmer. You see water is a lot of fun but its power is immense in wave actions and currents; and very unforgiving in only a few minutes. Marine life is to be respected. You are in their space and must know what to expect such as alligators in Florida and Gulf Coast states, or sting rays and sharks near ocean beaches. Here are a few of the planned course titles:- Start Leaning to Swim at Home Without a Pool
- Ten Best Steps Teaching Yourself To Swim Safely and Efficiently
- Floating Relaxed
- Freestyle with Breathing
- Using Your Own Feedback
- Using Six New Teaching Methods
- Backstroke the Easy Way
- Water Safety Concerns in Other Environments
- In Deep Water Without Fear
- Shallow to Deep Water Progression
- Elementary Backstroke for Safety
- Breaststroke the Easy Way
- Advanced Workout Skills
Views: 5721Free -
Teach Yourself to Swim Series #3 of 14 - Floating relaxed
Views: 4586$17Most people think of only one kind of floating in the face down position. Actually there are seven kinds of floating positions and another five kinds of skills to improve your floating ability. What may not seem obvious to you but you should learn to improve your overall swimming skills are: Face float, Turtle float, Survival float, Sea otter float, Salt Lake float, Back float, and Pencil float. With emphasis on floating in a variety of positions using additional skills you improve your awareness and confidence to keep air in your lungs to breathe off the top 10% and let the water buoy you up. This is far more effcient than you trying to push down or scull your hands and kick your feet to stay afloat. Remember, the key is to fill your lungs up and relax your muscles. A hot dog floats and it doesn't have lungs! You will learn the physics principle of Archimedes that states you are buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the water you displace. One cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 lbs. so in order to float with expanded lungs you'll need to displace two cubic feet of water if you weight 125 lbs. It's more likely you displace 2.5-3.0 cubic feet of water.
Views: 4586$17 -
Teach Yourself to Swim Series #2 of 14 - Ten Best Steps Teaching Yourself to Swim Safely and Efficiently
Views: 4831$27This is the 2nd in a series of 14 very affordable "Teach Yourself to Swim" courses you can share with your entire family and friends. The value and benefits of each course are easily ten times what you'll invest in each course if you were to take swim lessons from any other program. And you can download to watch on your tablet or smartphone at the pool or lake. I am your pro instructor with over 55 years of degreed teaching and coaching and competitive experience to demonstrate and teach you my proven correct methods and cues that get faster longer-lasting results. All my content is based on never out-of-date physics principles I learned as a 5-time All-American at Indiana U. coached by the legendary 1964 and 1976 Men's Olympic Coach, Doc Counsilman. And I include psychology of learning principles I learned from my Ph.D. no other instructor knows about. I reveal six new teaching methods so you can teach yourself or your kids. And if you are not comfortable with that then let me teach them with these courses and my videos you can easily download to your tablet or smartphone to take to the pool or lake where you can stand up! You'll get personal access to me via email or my personal cell phone so you can ask all your swimming questions and get good answers. If you live in rural or suburban areas or have several kids lessons for each cost lots of money. But now you can save money and let every family member learn at their own pace to overcome their fears. This is very helpful where you have no pool or experienced instructors. Learning to swim is the only sport that has the potential to save your life. And the life you save may be your own. In this course you'll start at home without a pool like in the first course, but then I'll show you how easy it is to transfer those same familiar skills to the shallow end of a pool or lake where you can stand up. You'll need a kitchen sink, dressing mirror, mattress, and a bath tub. I will teach you all the basic swimming skills so you can get familiar with breath holding, blowing bubbles, floating, kicking, stroking, and body position and rolling. When you follow my system of easy-to-master one-minute steps you can be swimming in the shallow end in a only several hours. In this course I show what are the ten best steps learning how to swim. This means I will also show you steps to add your breathing so you can swim continuously without stopping for longer distances. That is an essential for your personal water safety so you won't become exhausted and start to panic. Once you are familiar with the skills at home we'll transfer all those to the pool or lake in the same sequence taking time to build your confidence. To learn this entire course focused only on your freestyle stroke with proper breathing will take between 4-10 hours depending on your learning ability and prior experience.Views: 4831$27