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Raffaele Tomarchio


Raffaele Tomarchio is a soccer professional with over 20 years experience in youth soccer development. He has worked as Technical Directors and Director of Coaching with major clubs in Ontario(Canada) as well as being Head Coach and coaching facilitator with the Ontario Soccer Association.

He has been a contributor to the United Soccer Coaches "Soccer Journal", the NSCAC "The soccer Journal for Soccer Coaches", Inside Soccer Magazine and Calcio Donne Magazine, as well as being the publisher for Icochsoccer website, an online technical soccer resourse platform for coaching development.

As a coach,He has over 20 years experince,winning National and Provincial titles at the youth levels, and coaching many players that have played or still play with the Canadian National Team.

His thirst of knowlesge is reflected in his soccer education.He holds a Canadian National A license, a Uefa B licensecas well as a FIFA grassroots coaching certificate.
His Italian heritage has also brought him to professional clubs like AC Milan, and Inter-Milan studying first hand their approach and metodology to the player development.

His various experiences in youth coaching have provided him with a strong foundation and belief in producing this online course to genuinely help youth coaches in the difficult yet enjoyable role they have undertaken in developing youth players.