
Triphasic Training Peaking Method

by Cal Dietz
Triphasic Training Peaking Method


Unlock Your Athletic Potential with High-Velocity Training

Are you ready to elevate your game? Our comprehensive manual is designed to prepare athletes for peak performance through high-velocity, sport-specific movements. Dive into a meticulously crafted training approach that harnesses the power of dynamic exercises to enhance your athletic abilities.

Why Choose Our Manual?

  • Cutting-Edge Training Techniques: Years of research and development have culminated in a systematic approach that prepares you for the demands of your sport.
  • Dynamic Movement Mastery: Learn to perform exercises that amplify the benefits of high-speed, dynamic movements, tailored to your sport.
  • In-Depth Programs: Access detailed example programs, mesocycles, and macrocycles that guide you through implementing and understanding our training system.
  • Professional Growth: This manual is not just about training; it's about fostering curiosity and growth within the coaching community to continually improve athlete performance.

What's Inside?

  • Sport-Specific Movements: Tailored exercises that mimic the high-velocity demands of your sport.
  • Comprehensive Programs: Step-by-step plans for various training cycles to ensure you're always progressing.
  • Expert Insights: Understand the science and methodology behind each movement and program.

Join the ranks of elite athletes who have transformed their performance with our high-velocity training manual. Don't just train—train smarter, faster, and with purpose. Equip yourself with the knowledge and techniques to excel in your sport.


1 Triphasic Training Peaking Method Manual Preface 2 Triphasic Peaking Manual - Origins of Triphasic Training 3 1.1 Stress and its Role in Athletic Performance 4 1.2 Block Periodization 5 1.3 Eccentric Muscle Action for Athletic Performance 6 1.4 Isometric Muscle Action for Athletic Performance 7 1.5 Oscillatory Contractions (OC's) 8 1.5.1 Oscillatory Strength Movements Part 1 of 6 Building Strength 9 1.5.2 Benefits of Oscillatory Strength Movements Part 2 of 6 Building Strength 10 1.5.3 Benefits of Oscillatory Strength Movements Part 3 of 6 Coordination - Facebook Group 2:27 11 1.5.4 Benefits of Oscillatory Strength Movements Part 4 of 6 Coordination 2:21 12 1.5.5 Benefits of Oscillatory Strength Movements Part 5 of 6 Metabolic 2:04 13 1.5.6 Benefits of Oscillatory Strength Movements Part 6 of 6 Metabolic 1:53 14 1.5.7 Single Leg Reverse Hyper OC 15 1.5.8 Hip Thrust Double leg OC 16 1.5.9 Single Leg Pit Shark with Partner OC 17 1.5.10 Hip Thrust Single Leg OC 18 1.5.11 One Arm OC Dumbbell Bench 19 1.5.12 Glute Ham Bar lift OC 20 6.72 Supine Glute Ham SL Banded OCI 0:43 21 1.6 Injury Reduction 22 2.1 The Art of Peaking 23 2.2 Exercise Selection and Sport 24 2.2.1 Deep Squats can make Athletes Slower or Faster....Understand Why Video 25 2.3 High-Contraction Velocities 26 2.3.1 High Contraction Velocities Video Part 1 27 2.3.1 High Contraction Velocities Video Part 2 28 2.4 Two-Spring Model 29 2.5 Triphasic Peaking Method 1 for Advanced results for all level of Athletes 30 2.6 Triphasic Peaking Method 2 for Advanced results for all level of Athletes 31 2.7 Triphasic Peaking Method 3 for Advanced results for all level of Athletes 32 3.1 Specific Methods and What Are They 33 3.2 Sequencing for Performance 34 Elite Strength and Conditioning Programs for purchase 35 4.0 Olympic Athlete Program example that any athlete can do 36 4.0.1 A Monday Speed Peaking Program - Legs 37 A Monday Speed Peaking Program - Legs Continuous Video of Prior Section 38 4.0.2 A Tuesday Speed Peaking Program - Upper Body 39 A Tuesday Speed Peaking Program - Upper Continuous Video of Prior Section 40 4.0.3 A Wednesday Speed Peaking Program - Legs 41 4.03.1 Wednesday Speed Peaking Program - Legs Continuous Video of Prior Section 42 4.0.4 A Thursday Speed Peaking Program - Upper Body 43 A Thursday Speed Peaking Program - Upper Continuous Video of Prior Section 44 4.0.5 A Friday Speed Peaking Program - Total Body 45 Friday Speed Peaking Program - Legs Continuous Video of Prior Section 46 4.1 Program Examples 3 Day Program Day 1 47 4.2 Program Examples 3 Day Program Day 2 48 4.3 Program Examples 3 Day Program Day 3 49 4.4 Program Examples 4 Day Program Day 1 50 4.5 Program Examples 4 Day Program Day 2 51 4.6 Program Examples 4 Day Program Day 3 52 4.7 Program Examples 4 Day Program Day 4 53 4.8 Program Examples 5 Day Program Day 1 54 4.9 Program Examples 5 Day Program Day 2 55 4.10 Program Examples 5 Day Program Day 3 56 4.11 Program Examples 5 Day Program Day 4 57 4.12 Program Examples 5 Day Program Day 5 58 4.13 Exercise Library – AFSM-CC 59 4.14 Exercise Library – Rebound Shock 60 4.15 Exercise Library – OCI 61 4.16 Others 62 4.17 Co-contraction Speed circuit for peaking or download weeks 63 4.17 Co-contraction Speed circuit for peaking or download weeks downloadable
5.0 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Bonus Section
64 5.1 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 1 Intro 65 5.2 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 2 Intro 66 5.3 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 3 ASFM 4:41 67 5.3.1 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 3.1 Coaching the ASFM Plyo 9:23 68 5.4 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 4 Thrust Method 4:50 69 5.4.1 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 4.1 Coaching the Thrust Method 2:51 70 5.4.2 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 4.2 Coaching the Thrust Method 2:19 71 5.5 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 5 Top Range Top Speed 4:41 72 5.6 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 6 Programming Consideration 6:52 73 5.7 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 7 Box Drop Jump Method 3:15 74 5.8 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 8 Box Drop Jump Method 4:30 75 5.9 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 9 Box Drop Jump Method 4:46 76 5.10 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 10 French Contrast and Potentiation Cluster 77 6.0 COACHING VIDEOS EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS 78 6.1 Band Reverse Hyper Rebound Shock 0:54 79 6.2 Banded Reverse Hyper Cocontraction Speed 1:08 80 6.3 Banded Reverse Hyper Dual Cocontraction Speed 1:03 81 6.4 Banded SL Reverse Hyper OCI 0:53 82 6.5 Banded SL Reverse Hyper Rebound Shock 1:00 83 6.6 Bentover Row Double Banded AFSM 0:55 84 6.7 Bentover Row Kneeling Double Banded AFSM 0:54 85 6.8 Cuban External Rotation AFSM Cocontraction Speed 1:03 86 6.9 Cuban External Rotation OCI 0:52 87 6.10 Cuban External Rotation Rebound Shock 0:55 88 6.11 Cuban Internal Rotation AFSM Cocontraction Speed 1:00 89 6.12 Cuban Internal Rotation OCI 0:53 90 6.13 Cuban Internal Rotation Shock 0:57 91 6.14 DB Curl AFSM Cocontraction Speed 0:57 92 6.15 DB Curl OCI 1:02 93 6.16 DB Curl Rebound Shock 0:53 94 6.17 DB Tricep Extension AFSM Cocontraction Speed 0:55 95 6.18 DB Tricep Extension OCI 0:53 96 6.19 DB Tricep Extension Rebound Shock 0:58 97 6.20 Delt Bentover Lateral OCI 0:49 98 6.21 Delt Bentover Lateral Rebound Shock 0:56 99 6.22 Delt Bentover Overhead AFSM CC Speed 0:57 100 6.23 Delt Bentover Overhead OCI 0:56 101 6.24 Delt Bentover Overhead Rebound Shock 0:58 102 6.25 External Rotation Standing AFSM 0:58 103 6.26 Half Kneeling Banded Wrist Extension 0:52 104 6.27 Hamstring Bent Knee AFSM 0:55 105 6.28 Hamstring Bent Knee Banded SL OCI 0:51 106 6.29 Hamstring Bent Knee SL Rebound Shock 0:53 107 6.30 Hip Abduction and Adduction Standing 0:59 108 6.31 Incline Side Delt AFSM Cocontraction Speed 0:57 109 6.32 Incline Side Delt OCI 0:54 110 6.33 Incline Side Delt Rebound Shock 0:57 111 6.34 Internal Rotation 90 90 Rebound Shock 1:08 112 6.35 Internal Rotation Standing Rebound Shock 1:00 113 6.36 OH Shoulder External Rotation OCI 0:55 114 6.37 OH Shoulder Internal Rotation Rebound Shock 1:04 115 6.38 OH Shoulder Internal Rotation OCI 0:56 116 6.39 Psoas Prone Banded AFSM 0:56 117 6.40 Psoas Prone Banded Rebound Shock 0:56 118 6.41 Psoas Prone Banded SL OCI 0:48 119 6.42 Rear Delt Prone Incline Lateral AFSM Cocontraction Speed 1:02 120 6.43 Rear Delt Prone Incline Lateral OCI 0:54 121 6.44 Rear Delt Prone Incline Lateral Rebound Shock 0:56 122 6.45 Reverse Hyper Cocontraction Speed 0:59 123 6.46 Reverse Hyper Dual Cocontraction Speed 0:57 124 6.47 Reverse Hyper Dual Leg 0:43 125 6.48 Reverse Hyper Rebound Shock 0:49 126 6.49 SL Reverse Hyper OCI 0:45 127 6.50 SL Reverse Hyper Rebound Shock 0:50 128 6.51 Spring Ankle Position 1 1:19 129 6.52 Spring Ankle Position 2 1:10 130 6.53 Spring Ankle Position 3 1:11 131 6.54 Spring Ankle Position 4 1:14 132 6.55 Spring Ankle Position 5 1:00 133 6.56 Standing Abduction OCI 0:53 134 6.57 Standing Abduction Rebound Shock 0:57 135 6.58 Standing Adduction OCI 0:53 136 6.59 Standing Adduction Rebound Shock 1:01 137 6.60 Standing Ham Rebound Shock 0:54 138 6.61 Standing Hamstring Cocontraction Speed 0:56 139 6.62 Standing Hamstring OCI 0:48 140 6.63 Standing Hip Flexion SL AFSM 1:04 141 6.64 Standing Hip Flexion SL OCI 0:47 142 6.65 Standing Quad Cocontraction Speed 0:57 143 6.66 Standing Quad OCI 0:50 144 6.67 Standing Quad Rebound Shock 0:50 145 6.68 Standing Row AFSM 0:52 146 6.69 Supine Glute Ham Banded AFSM 0:57 147 6.70 Supine Glute Ham Banded OCI 0:47 148 6.71 Supine Glute Ham Banded Rebound Shock 0:56 149 7.0 MORE PEAKING METHOD EXERCISES 150 7.1 Standing Split Row Rebound Method Triphasic Hammer From Sorniex 151 8.0 Speed and Skill Optimization A Proposal for a New Practice Paradigm 152 9.0 Optimal Off Season Speed and Conditioning Guidelines for Lifting and Ru 153 9.1 Triphasic Training Super Method NEURAL PERPLEXITY 154 Triphasic Training 13 training Zones Loading Parameters and Guidelines 155 Triphasic Download Deload Light Week Method Part 1 156 Triphasic Download Deload Light Week Method Part 2 157 RESEARCH SECTION 158 Residual Force Enhancement 159 Change of Direction Deficit Measurement of DI American Football Players 160 Cocontraction and Injury 161 J. of Sports Sc.-2011-Oliver-Ground reaction forces kinematics and muscle activations during the windmill softball pitch 162 Neuromuscular Control Ankle 163 Relationship_Between_Toe_Muscular_Strength_and_the_Ability_to_Change_Direction_in_Athletes 164 MORE EXERCISES JUST ADDED!!!! 165 Hip Strengthening Exercise Series 166 Triphasic Peaking Manual Coaching Cues 167 Limitations with plyometrics and a fix-Reflexive Trimetric Method Part 1 of 5 168 NEW EXERCISES ADDED!!!! 169 MORE EXERCISES ADDED!! 170 Tennis Specific Peaking Exercises 171 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 1 Intro Facebook Group 172 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 2 Intro Facebook Group 173 Performance Pattern Cycling for Athletes Part 1 6:12 174 Performance Pattern Cycling for Athletes Part 2 6:05 175 Performance Pattern Cycling for Athletes Part 3 5:30 176 The Goat Performance Drill - Raise Your Performance Ceiling 177 The Goat Performance Drill Part 3: Team Setting Updates and Review 178 The Goat Performance Drill - Part 2 - Advanced 3 Ring Method 179 4.8 Program Examples 5 Day Program Day 1 test

The Coach


Cal Dietz

Strength and Human Performance Coach, Sport Science Consultant


Cal Dietz has been an Olympic Sports Strength and Conditioning coach for numerous sports at the University of Minnesota since 2000. During his tenure, Dietz has trained athletes that have achieved 540+ All-American honors, 10 NCAA Team National Champions, Teams that have won 34 Big Ten/WCHA championships teams, 29 Big Ten/WCHA Conference tournaments, 22 NCAA Final Four appearances, He has consulted with Olympic and World Champions in various sports and professional athletes in the NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB, MMA and Professional Boxing.

Ratings and Reviews (10)

Richard Bell

Extremely Helpful in showing how to properly apply the peaking method.

Apr 23, 19 03:04 PM

Lindsey Cox

Most innovative teaching in the field!

May 24, 19 09:53 PM


Very Informative

Apr 10, 20 06:16 PM


Very informative. Great content

Jul 26, 20 08:05 PM

Daniel Staunton


Jun 16, 21 05:09 AM

Jakob Benger

This course gave me knowledge that was both useful and applicable to be able to utilize with my athletes for the rest of my coaching career. If you are looking for a course to understand how to properly peak athletes and different methodologies to do so, this course will be of incredible help to you

Jul 27, 22 11:00 AM

Gabor Tvordy

Great Course with lots of information! Will always come back to this course to deepen my knowledge!

Aug 20, 22 07:54 AM

Michael Humphrey

This was a great course. Cal always does a great job with his presentations, plus they are usually backed with research. All coaches and athletes should definitely implement this as I have recently and I am seeing great results so far.

Dec 11, 22 06:23 AM

Justin Garzia

Excellent course! Extremely thorough and many methods that can easily be added to existing programs for peaking athletes.

Aug 26, 24 07:52 AM

Collin Spillane

Great overall course for peaking your athletes, highly recommend!

Sep 30, 24 05:41 AM

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Course Info

Rating: (10)
Caterory: Health & Fitness/Strength Training
Bookings: 1139
Videos: 89