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Coach Vann
Playbooks, Drill Books, Coaching Tools, & More
I wanted to create a library of books & information that could help coaches find anything & everything anything they needed exactly when they needed it. Over the years I became frustrated when looking for something I needed whether it was a drill, play, motor information, etc. I did all of the work for you so that never happens to you!
Need a new drill or a defensive scheme to help work on defending against DHO's? Need a new sideline end of game play for a last second 3? No matter what it is I got you covered. Over 30 years of collecting the best plays & drills that I have seen from the best coaches in the pro's, college, & all the way down to the high school ranks are all inside these books.
These books were created for both the top 1% of coaches as well as the newcomers wanting to learn. No matter what level you are at these books have something for you. Stop buying books with little content! These books have a ton of content for you to dive into. Plays, counters, entries, false motions, & drills to go with them.
This is my life's work and I am sharing it with everyone. No secrets were held back in creating these books!
1- The Unscoutable Playbook - 4595 Pages
2- The Defensive Playbook - 521 Pages
3 - The Ultimate Drill Book - Over 800 Practice drills broken down into 192 different specific categories.
I can 100% say there is nothing like any of my 3 main books anywhere out there. These are more like encyclopedias! If you are a serious basketball coach then you should 100% have these as a reference in your coaching library!
Want to learn more about my basketball journey or story you can learn more here - www.nextplayhoops.com/pages/my-story
I hope this helps you the way it has me!
The Unscoutable Offensive Playbook
Are you looking for an offensive-minded playbook that is easy to implement at any age and will help you win more games? Take your program to a whole new level with The Unscoutable Playbook! This book is the most complete and comprehensive offensive playbook on the market and includes everything from its philosophy to how to break a press and more.
Any coach that is serious about improving their knowledge of the game from an X’s and O’s standpoint will benefit tremendously from this book. This book can be used to discover new quick hitters, add a new series to your playbook, or to help you develop an entire offensive system of your own. There are a lot of new ideas and concepts in this book for you to study, and this is an excellent resource for coaches on all levels! This book was made for those X’s and O’s junkies who are always looking to improve as a coach.
This book is the perfect addition to any coach's library. Years of research have gone into making the Unscoutable Playbook the absolute premier offensive basketball resource on the market. It’s for the beginner coach, the experienced coach, and any coach that wants a go-to resource for all thing’s offense.
Learn to wreak havoc on opposing defenses with an offense that is simply too unpredictable for coaches to scout. Keep defenses in a constant state of guess-mode running continuity offenses as well as different series, all that comes with multiple counters that make this book and system Unscoutable.
With a resource like the Unscoutable Playbook, you will never flinch. You will always have an answer for anything that might arise during a basketball game. Whether it’s a quick hitter, an out of bounds play, or a press breaker, this resource is a coach’s best friend. It’s like a second brain for coaches. You will find this playbook to be your go-to as you begin your career, as you develop as a coach, and even into your veteran years.
The game of Basketball is constantly evolving. Are you? This book is tailor-made for basketball coaches that are looking to improve at their craft. You will be able to rely on this resource throughout your coaching career, no matter what level you are coaching at.
The Unscoutable Playbook is the only basketball reference you’ll ever need. Buy the Unscoutable Playbook today! The book that every coach needs!
- 4595 Pages
- My Philоѕорhу
- 14 Different Cоntinuitу Mоtiоn Offenses full with multiрlе cоuntеrрlау орtiоnѕ within еасh offense
- 21 Diffеrеnt Sеriеѕ to сhооѕе from соmрlеtе with multiple counterplay орtiоnѕ within еасh оffеnѕе
- 6 Transition Offеnѕеѕ аnd secondary breaks thаt уоu саn run that easily trаnѕitiоn frоm уоur рrimаrу brеаk right intо уоur Sесоndаrу break еаѕilу
- Full Zоnе Offеnѕе whеrе wе givе уоu рlауѕ thаt саn bеаt any zоnе dеfеnѕе
- BLOB'ѕ & SLOB's tо dоminаtе those ѕресiаl ѕituаtiоnѕ
- Press Breakers
- In Part 2 of this book we offer you a Sресifiс Actions sections whеrе we have all рlауѕ brоkеn down ѕо thаt you саn easily find аnу рlау оr асtiоn that уоu want or need аt a drор оf a hаt
Views: 1336$249.99 -
The Ultimate Drill Book
by Coach VannViews: 1208$249.99THE ULTIMATE DRILL BOOK
The Ultimate Drill Book is less of a book, but more of an encyclopedia of drills. It is by far the most complete and the most comprehensive book on drills that you will ever see. It has over 800 drills with over 12,000 pages, and we have broken all of the drills down to 192 different specific categories so you as the coach can easily find any drill that you need at a moment's notice.
All basketball coaches can use some fresh ideas for their basketball practices. The 2020 Drill Book is the only practice resource that you will ever need, want, or come across. It is the ultimate collection of drills all put into one giant book. Develop your team’s dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding skills, and more with the Ultimate Drill book collection of the game’s best drills.
One оf the biggеѕt challenges beginning соасhеѕ fасе is dеtеrmining hоw tо structure their рrасtiсеѕ. Thinking ahead аnd planning оut thе ѕеаѕоn are crucial tо a team's ѕuссеѕѕ аnd the реrѕоnаl growth оf еасh рlауеr. Use thiѕ guide to еѕtаbliѕh a bаѕkеtbаll рrасtiсе рlаn that саn bе аdарtеd thrоughоut thе season.
This book is for the coach who just volunteered to coach his son’s youth team up to the highest-level college coach. This book has it all from basic fundamental drills to high-level and more advanced drills.
Not only is this book organized so that you can quickly find the drill it is that you are looking for when you need it, but it also helps you to be more efficient with your practices, and it will help you to save time when you are putting your practices together. Never has it been so easy to pick out and find the right drill that you need precisely when you need it, and never again will your practice plan come up short.
Lеаrn different tуреѕ оf basketball соасhing drillѕ that cover all aspects of the game with step-by-step instructions, accompanied by diagrams and illustrations that walk you and your players through every step of the way. Areas such as:
- Offеnѕivе Drills
- Dеfеnѕivе Drills
- Shооting Drills
- Bаll Hаndling Drills
- Conditioning Drillѕ
- Footwork Drills
- Passing Drills
- Screening Drills
- Rebounding Drills
Call it the bank of basketball drills. Withdraw drills on any aspect of the game – offense, defense, and more – at any time. Your withdrawals will pay great dividends in the end in the form of well-coached players, which will equate to more wins.
With the 2020 Drill Book, you will never run out of fresh new drills for your players. Keep it fun, keep it exciting, and keep winning with the best basketball drill book on the market.
- 12,102 Pages
- The greatest collection of drills ever put together all into one book
- This is the ultimate drill book
- Over 800 Practice Drills for you to choose from
- 27 Chapters
- 192 different drills broken down to within Specific Drill Sections all so you can easily find the drill that you need at any time
Views: 1208$249.99 -
The Defensive Playbook (Full Defensive System)
by Coach VannViews: 1792$99.99THE DEFENSIVE PLAYBOOK
Defensive Playbooks are rare, and the good ones are even rarer. This book provides a unique insight behind a coach’s defensive philosophy. Get the Defensive Playbook today and learn Coach Vann’s complete defensive system, including all of his terminology and defensive philosophy.
Defenses win championships. Coach Vann can attest to it with over 500 career wins and a winning percentage over .800% throughout his career. Now, you can put your program in a similar position running the same defenses that Coach Vann utilizes for success. Learn the complete system – man, zone, presses, traps, junk defenses, and more.
Bаѕkеtbаll dеfеnѕе is the fоundаtiоn оf аnу ѕuссеѕѕful bаѕkеtbаll tеаm. Building a ѕоlid defensive fоundаtiоn iѕ juѕt аѕ imроrtаnt as hаving an еffесtivе offense. By executing thе рrореr fundаmеntаlѕ, rоtаtiоnѕ, and соmmuniсаtiоn ѕtrаtеgiеѕ, уоur tеаm will аntiсiраtе thеir opponents' mоvеѕ аnd prevent thеm frоm scoring. We give you 29 different popular асtiоnѕ that you will see almost all teams run that teach you and ѕhоw you some different ways in how wе likе tо dеfеnd against thеm. You will also learn 10 different PNR coverages to use with different looks that will help to confuse your opponents.
Teach your players how to stop the most common offensive actions that they will see during a season. Practice against аll оffеnѕivе ѕituаtiоnѕ ѕо that there are no ѕurрriѕеѕ оn gаmе day and take away what your opponents do best. Slow down great offensive players and win games with your defense.
If you have struggled defensively in the past at any level, let Coach Vann coach you up with his complete Defensive Playbook! Get the Defensive Playbook today and learn his complete & full defensive system and philosophy. This is a Complete Defensive Book for coaches at any level.
- 521 Pages
- Complete Defensive Philosophy
- Our Full Vocabulary & Terminology
- Man-To-Man Defenses
- Zone Defenses & Rebounding Out of the Zone
- Press Defenses
- Half Court Traps
- 10 PNR & Bаll Sсrееn Dеfеnѕivе Cоvеrаgеѕ
- 29 different specific асtiоnѕ (popular асtiоnѕ) that ѕhоw you how wе likе tо dеfеnd against thеm
- Junk Dеfеnѕеѕ
Views: 1792$99.99 -
Continuity Motion Offenses Playbook (14 Offenses)
Have a team with no athletes? Need a way to get them all involved in the offense? It’s called continuity, baby! Use the skill sets of all of your players by teaching them the beauty and effectiveness of continuity offenses. Become that team on the schedule that opponents dread because of the power of their offense.
Is your offense stagnant? Is the ball not moving enough within your offense? If the answer is yes, then this is the book for you. Thousands of hours of research went into developing the Continuity Offenses playbook, a collection of 14 different continuity offenses and actions, all full with counterplays and specials built right into them.
Continuity offenses have a pattern of movement, cuts, screens, and passes, which eventually leads back to the starting formation. At this point, the movement is then repeated in an effort to cause defensive breakdowns and create the best available scoring opportunities. These offenses are a great way to make the defense work and to get good ball movement.
Whether you currently run a continuity offense or you’re thinking about it, there is something in this playbook for any coach looking to expand his knowledge of the game.
The book also goes to great length to help you understand the subtleties and intricacies of offenses and the adjustments that you can make as a coach. This book reveals many of the counters and adjustments a coach can make based on how the defense is playing you to assure you can make the right call at the perfect moment.
We also give you a multitude of diffеrеnt entries that will hеlр to diѕguiѕе whаt уоu аrе trying tо dо that will ѕеаmlеѕѕlу flоw right into one of your continuity offenses. Each entry play givеs us 3-4 diffеrеnt ѕсоring орtiоnѕ. Your opponents will not know what hit them.
The Continuity Offensive Playbook is the complete package. If you are struggling to get the ball moving and putting points on the board, this is the book for you! No matter what level of basketball you coach at these offenses work! Find out all the answers in this 638-page gem!
- 638 Pages
- 14 Continuity Offenses
- With over 300 quick hitters to counter the defense
Views: 1301$49.99 -
The Series Playbook (23 Series To Choose From w/Counters)
by Coach VannViews: 1151$49.99THE SERIES PLAYBOOK
Cater your offense to your team’s skill set with the Series Playbook from Coach Vann. After years of success and research, Coach Vann has put together the ultimate collection of offensive series full with numerous counterplay options to counter how the defense is playing you.
Wreak havoc on opposing defenses with an offense that is simply too unpredictable for coaches to break down. Keep defenses in a constant state of guess-mode running a series that is unscoutable.
In the Series Playbook, you can choose from over 20 different series full of counters and more. Coaches can simply choose 5 or 6 plays from one of the many series presented and simply select those plays that fit best to what your players do best. Then make play calls during games that are dependent on how the defense decides to play you that can help you defeat any defense. You will also learn all the adjustments a coach can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment.
Always be prepared and keep defenses off guard with the Series Playbook. No matter what level of basketball you coach at these offenses work! Find out all the answers in this 1,155-page gem!
- 1,155 Pages
- 23 Different Series
- Over 750 Plays
- 23 different series that you can choose from with numerous counters
- You will be sure to find some plays from a multitude of different alignments that will keep the defense off guard
- Quick hitters to counter any defense
Views: 1151$49.99 -
The 5 Wide Continuity Offense Playbook
The 5-Wide Offense is more prevalent in today’s game more so than ever before. The 5-Wide motion offense is an excellent offense for basketball teams at all levels, but it’s especially great for youth basketball teams as it teaches players how to play basketball. This offense can also be an excellent option for those teams that are either undersized or that might have less than ideal talent. You can also use this offense to wear down the defense or as a delayed set to run time off the clock.The 5-Wide Offense is a position less offense that relies on players spacing the floor to stretch the defense. The 5 Wide Offense utilizes the skills of all five players on the floor and emphasizes all of the fundamentals of passing, screening, and cutting to create various scoring opportunities. It is a concise, simple system that any coach can implement to improve their offense. This offense has basic rules that help players to make quick decisions based on reads that are predicated on how the defense is playing them.
In this book, you will receive 62 various game-like breakdown drills that will help you and your players to grasp the basic concepts of the offense quickly. With the help of the 5-Wide Offensive playbook, your team can have this offense mastered in no time.
You will learn the basic 5-Wide motion along with the basic rules of the continuity offense. In addition, there are also 20 different secondary break plays included to get your team to transition right into your offense from your secondary break seamlessly.
This offense is positionless and easily adaptable to your personnel allowing a coach to decide where and how to attack against opponents. To counter any defensive adjustments, you’ll also find 65 different counter plays that you can use from 6 different entry points that show you the adjustments a coach can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment.
Learn how to play the modern position-less basketball of today with the 5-Wide Offense.
- 242 Pages
- 12 basic continuity motion actions
- 6 entry play options
- 20 secondary break plays
- 62 breakdown drills
- 65 counters from 6 different entry points and actions
Views: 2632$24.99 -
The European Ball Screen Offensive Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 4401$19.99THE EUROPEAN BALL SCREEN OFFENSE
The Euro Ball Screen Offense is a popular continuity offense that incorporates side-to-side ball movement, wing pick-and-rolls, high-low opportunities, and backdoor cuts. It’s a simple, flexible, and tough offense to defend against if ran correctly. If you have a team full of good ball handlers, decision-makers, or good stretch shooting big’s, then this is the offense for you! This book provides you with a complete system to help you efficiently run the Euro Ball Screen Offense with your team that will be unscoutable for your opponents because of the variety of options and counters that you will have at your disposal.The great thing about this offense is it’s an offense that you can teach and run from the youth levels up to the professional ranks. In this playbook, you will learn it all from the ground up as this book is loaded with 452 pages of plays, diagrams, practice drills, and more.
Learn how the offense easily transitions from our secondary break into continuity. You will also learn how you can easily flow directly into continuity from one of the sideline and baseline out of bounds plays that we give you. We also provide you with 7 different entry plays that can help you disguise what you are trying to do. All of these options will make defenses uncomfortable and can only help to keep them on their toes.
We also break down the basic and advanced concepts of this offense, including how to teach it, step by step, using game-like drills, and breakdown teaching concepts. This book also reveals 32 different counterplays that you can choose from and provides you with numerous different adjustment options that you, as a coach, can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment.
The European Ball Screen Offense is one of the more popular offenses being used by some of the best international teams and collegiate teams today. Learn the Euro Ball Screen Offense today and how it can help take your program to the next level!
- 452 Pages
- 32 counter plays
- 7 entry play options to choose from
- 400 pages in practice drills that break down the offense using game-like drills and teaching concepts
- Quick hitters to counter the defense
Views: 4401$19.99 -
The 3 Out 2 In Kansas Offensive Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1749$19.99THE 3-OUT 2-IN OFFENSE (KANSAS) PLAYBOOK
If you are a coach that has a dominant post player and needs to find some new ways to get them more touches in the post while also making it difficult for the defense to help and double team them, then this is your book! The 3 Out 2 In Kansas offense is a High/Low offense that provides great spacing, which makes it extremely difficult for the defense to defend against, but it’s not just for your post players. We also teach you the shot, dump, and reverse technique that will then also lead to some easy scoring opportunities for your perimeter players.
Learn to run the 3-Out 2-In motion offense like a well-oiled machine with the help of this 452-page playbook. This offense was a staple of Bill Self’s early Illinois and Kansas teams. The whole idea of the 3 Out 2 In motion offense is to get the ball inside and take advantage of those dominant post players while creating some easy scoring opportunities for them. If your best players are post players, then the 3-Out 2-In Motion Offense may be the answer to your offensive needs.
This offense is adaptable to your personnel and also includes counters that will help you take advantage of the strengths of your players and team. Begin with the basics of the 3-Out 2-In High/Low offense and then give defenses fits with choosing from 3 different continuity offenses that you can run out of it to confuse the defense. We then provide you with 19 different entry play options that have a variety of scoring opportunities before flowing back into one of our continuity offenses.
In addition, there are 18 different counter plays and several quick hitters that can also help you defeat anything a defense might throw at you. Learn all the adjustments a coach can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment.
Within this playbook, you’ll also receive over 400 pages of practice drills that will help you break the entire offense down with easy teaching concepts. You’ll also get a look at some basic drills and a few different ideas that can help you and your team defend against the High/Low offense.
This is a must-have book in any coach's library! Learn how to take advantage of your dominant post players and dominate your opponents in the post today!
- 452 Pages
- 3 continuity offenses
- 19 different entry plays with multiple options before getting back into your continuity offense
- 18 Quick hitters to counter what the defense may try to do
- Over 400 pages of practice & breakdown drills to help breakdown your offense
- Learn how to defend against the high/low offense
Views: 1749$19.99 -
The Carolina Secondary Break
by Coach VannViews: 1435$39.99THE CAROLINA BREAK PLAYBOOK
Developed by legendary coach Dean Smith, the Carolina Numbered Break continues to be used by basketball programs at all levels. The Carolina Break is a numbered secondary break that has players making reads dependent on how the defense is playing them, to make the proper play calls. The Carolina Break Playbook breaks down the entire offense for easy teaching for any coach at any level.
Through a number of game-like drills and various teaching concepts, your players will learn the basic numbered fast break that Smith taught his North Carolina teams. The Cаrоlinа Break аllоwѕ for a ѕеаmlеѕѕ transition from one рhаѕе of оffеnѕе into аnоthеr. Players will learn the seven different actions that are dependent upon where the ball goes.
This book has over 135 different plays that you can choose from and build your own Carolina Break playbook predicated on where the ball is located. You will also receive more than 100 pages of practice drills to help you break down the Carolina Break to your team and build up your offense from the ground up. In no time, your players will effortlessly transition from the primary break to the secondary break while using the quick hitters provided to counter any and all defensive tactics your opponents might throw at you.
If you like playing with tempo and pace, you need to be reading the Carolina Break Playbook. Own it today!
- Lеаrn thе Carolina bаѕiс numbеrеd brеаk
- 2 continuity оffеnѕеѕ
- 135 different рlауѕ to ѕеаmlеѕѕlу trаnѕitiоn frоm уоur primary break tо уоur ѕесоndаrу brеаk
- Over 100 раgеѕ оf practice drills to hеlр уоu brеаk dоwn the Cаrоlinа Brеаk
- Quick hittеrѕ to соuntеr how thе dеfеnѕе is playing you
Views: 1435$39.99 -
The Complete Zone Offensive Playbook
These zone plays are the best of the best and the only ones that you will ever need to have within your playbook. This is by far the best zone quick-hitting playbook out there! Zone defenses were invented to create unique challenges for the offense. Whether it’s an odd number front or an even number front, you will never meet a zone defense that you can’t handle again. Years of research went into compiling this playbook to give coaches at all levels everything that they need to beat even the best zone defenses.We give you over 100 zone offensive plays to use versus a 2-3, 3-2, and a 1-3-1, along with 18 plays that you can also run versus junk zone defenses. You will also receive 13 different unique baseline out of bounds plays that were specifically designed to beat teams who like to zone up against baseline out of bounds plays (BLOBS). These plays will help you score versus a zone defense in those under the basket BLOB plays.
In addition, we also give you some different ways to teach your players how to attack zone defenses so that you can create mismatches. You will learn how to attack the short corners, how to attack the gaps, and how to put pressure on the defense by making one defender have to guard two players.
The Zone Offense Playbook is a complete zone offensive system that was created by coaches for coaches. This book is full of everything that you could ever need to be prepared for any type of zone defense that you might come across. Own it today and never worry about facing another zone defense ever again. It’s a must-have in any coach’s library!
- The Zone Offense Playbook has 148 pages of zone offense plays that is packed with information.
- Over 100 zone offensive plays for you to choose from
- 68 - 2-3 Zone Plays
- 21 - 3-2 Zone Plays
- 13 - 1-3-1 Zone Plays
- 18 – Special Zone Plays
- 13 – Zone Inbounds Plays
- Learn how to attack any zone defense
- You will receive continuity zone offenses, quick hitters, and concepts that you can use to attack any zone defense
- These zone plays are the best of the best and all you will ever need to have within your playbook.
Views: 2694$29.99 -
Baseline & Sideline Out Of Bounds Plays (BLOBS & SLOBS)
by Coach VannViews: 3391$24.99THE BLOBS & SLOBS PLAYBOOK
Don’t just simply throw the ball inbounds! Instead, look to attack and help your team score this season by exploring the BLOBS & SLOBS Playbook. This book is full of some of the best inbound plays compiled from all levels of basketball, covering over 20 plus years of coaching.
What is a BLOB & SLOB play? These are acronyms for Baseline & Sideline Out Of Bounds Plays. This is a critical part of the game that many coaches don’t focus on and get wrong. If you watch the NBA, you see how vital sideline plays are, especially in those late-game situations. The inbounds mini-game often can end up being the difference in either winning or losing a basketball game. This book offers a complete collection of both BLOB & SLOB plays that feature 135 different inbounds plays with over 170 pages that also include press breakers.
As a coach, you will face numerous special situations in any given basketball game. What will you do on your next baseline or sideline out of bounds play? What will you run if you are taking the ball out of bounds with only 2.7 seconds left on the clock? Do you simply want to inbounds the ball, or do you want to attack the defense? We give you BLOBS & SLOBS that not only attack the defense but also inbounds plays that seamlessly flow directly into your continuity offenses. You will also get plays that can be run versus both a zone or a man-to-man defense.
The BLOBs and SLOBs Playbook is your resource for taking these special unique situations in a basketball game and using them to your advantage. Steal points from your opponent, beat a full-court press, or convert a late-game opportunity on an out of bounds play, this book has it all. You’ll find a play for every conceivable situation, giving you and your team the ability to be prepared for any situation that arises in a game.
Learn how to dominate these special situations and draw up some game winners with the BLOBS and SLOBS Playbook today!
• 170 Pages
• Over 135 Different BLOBS & SLOBS
• Dominate your opponents and special situations
• 15 Press Breakers and End Of The Game (EOG) plays
• 2 Sideline fast breaks that we like to use on our opponent's free throw’s
• Late game out of bounds plays to get the ball inbounds versus pressureViews: 3391$24.99 -
Chicago Action Playbook (Zoom)
by Coach VannViews: 4423$19.99CHICAGO ACTION PLAYBOOK
Have a talented big man who is a great passer or playmaker that you want to get more involved in the offense? Or maybe you have a big man that you might want to hide on offense? Either way, you can run Chicago action to take advantage of your team’s strengths or hide your team’s weaknesses.Chicago Action has become a staple for every team at both the collegiate and NBA levels in recent years. The reason being is it can be a very tough offense to defend against and puts a ton of pressure on the defense.
In this book, we give you a multitude of different plays that you can run out of different alignments that all use Chicago action, and now you can have all of those plays all in one single library. The Chicago Action playbook will help you attack and put pressure on the defense.
The only way to get better at running anything, including Chicago Action, is to drill it. This playbook is packed full of drills that you can use to help make Chicago Action a valuable component of your offense while teaching your players how to read a defense and make the appropriate reads and adjustments.
Step out, down screen, dribble handoff, attack and score today with the Chicago Action playbook!
- 174 Pages
- 105 Chicago Plays
- 24 Drills
- You will also receive a few different ways to defend against Chicago Action
Views: 4423$19.99 -
Blocker/Mover Offensive Playbook
The Blocker Mover offense was developed by Dick Bennett while at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay and then Washington State University. The Blocker/Mover offense later became more popularized recently by his son, head coach Tony Bennett while at the University of Virginia as they won a national championship primarily using the Blocker/Mover offense.
The Blocker/Mover offense is a motion offense that has extensive screening and cutting that has players reading and reacting to how the defense is playing them. Players have defined roles; some are "blockers," and some are "movers."
The Movers are primarily scorers. They play all over the court, from side to side and top to bottom. A mover looks for a "blocker" to get a screen, then uses the screen correctly, reads the defense and makes the right cut. The Blockers are smart team players who embrace their primary responsibility of setting good screens for movers. After screening, a blocker may set another screen, or in reading the defense, may shape up to the ball or slip the screen for a pass inside and a lay-up. You will learn all of the screener and mover concepts and details within our Blocker/Mover Playbook.
In this book, you get 361 pages full of in-depth break downs of the Blocker/Mover offense that has transformed the Virginia program into a national powerhouse. You’ll get 2 different continuity motion offenses that you can run complete with 11 different entry plays to help disguise your actions to the defense. We also provide you with over 40 quick hitters that you can run to counter against those common defensive adjustments.
Now, you can learn all of the ins and outs, complete with everything that you could ever need to excel at the Blocker/Mover offense.
- 361 Pages
- Over 40 Quick hitters to counter what the defense may try to do
- 11 different entry plays to disguise your actions
- 2 Continuity Motion Offenses
- We break everything down to screening rules, post player rules, ball rules, personnel, and alignments
Views: 2066$19.99 -
Entry Plays, False Motions, & Decoy Actions Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1276$14.99ENTRY PLAYS & DECOY ACTIONS PLAYBOOK
What do you do when teams start to key in on what you are doing offensively? This is where The Entry Plays Playbook can come in handy. This book's sole purpose is to provide you with decoy action, and false motion plays to disguise to the defense what you are trying to do offensively.
These are all plays before the play that have anywhere from 2-4 scoring opportunities within each entry play. We provide you with 60 different entry plays that you can use that end in numerous different alignments to make sure whatever offense you are running, we have entry options for it.
Now, you can turn heads when you’re offense breaks down defenses and becomes virtually unscoutable. Defenses can scout your main actions, but these Entry Plays allow you to throw different wrinkles and looks as the season progresses that your opponents are not prepared for or have not yet seen.
Run what your favorite NBA and College coaches run to disguise their actions. Surprise your opponents and get the Entry Plays Book today and take your offense to the next level!
- 82 Pages
- Over 60 different entry plays
- Our Entry Plays & Decoy Actions are entry plays that disguise what we want to get into.
- Most all plays have between 2-4 scoring opportunities and flow right into our continuity action
- Disguise your actions to make it difficult for your opponents to scout
Views: 1276$14.99 -
The Horns Series Playbook (w/drills)
by Coach VannViews: 2676$19.99HORNS SERIES
The Horns offense has become popular at just about every level of basketball. The Horns series is a basketball offense that begins with two perimeter players located in the corners, two high post players, and a primary ball-handler at the top of the key. An excellent benefit to the Horns series is that it opens up the low post, which can be very helpful for undersized teams. This offense also features great spacing, which can create potential driving lanes for the ball handler or opportunities to basket cut for easy layups.
Learn the Horns offense with this 237-page playbook. In it, you will find 84 different Horns plays that you can run that all start in the same alignment to keep the defense from knowing what is coming next. We also give you 23 more plays with our Horns Cross Back Series that all have a different entry point that initiates the horns offense that will also help to confuse the defense and keep them guessing. This Series of plays could also very easily be used as different entry actions or false motions that could flow into one of your continuity offenses.
The Horns offense takes time to master, but with more than 45 different practice drills to choose from, we help you break down the offense from the ground up so that you can easily teach it to your players and team.
As a bonus, we also provide you with 29 different Pinch Post Action plays from different alignments along with practice drills to go with it.
Pick up the Horns Playbook today, and you can learn all of the ins and outs, complete with everything that you could ever need to excel with the Horns offense.
- 237 Pages
- Instructional graphics
- Printable PDF Playbook
- Create your series of plays that fit your team’s strengths
- Over 45 practice drills that help you teach the Horns Offense
- 84 Horns plays to counter to what the defense may try to do
- 23 Horns/Cross Back Plays/Series
- 29 Different Pinch Post Action plays with practice drills
Views: 2676$19.99 -
The Ram & Veer Action Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 2426$19.99RAM & VEER ACTION PLAYBOOK
If you are having trouble with teams that like to hard hedge or trap all of your ball screens, then now you will have the answer with the Ram & Veer Action Playbook.Hall of Fame coach Chuck Daly once said that defenses couldn’t defend against two actions at once. This has been proven true over the years and, most recently, with the Golden State Warriors who utilized the Ram screen and Veer action to stifle defenses and win three championships in four years.
The Ram & Veer Actions are very effective as they free up your screener, which makes it extremely difficult for the defense to defend against. Every coach should have these plays within their playbook to counter those overly aggressive defensive teams. Not only can this offense help free up your ball handlers to attack, but it will also allow your screeners to get some great open shots. These actions are also very effective in freeing up your best shooters as counteractions in how the defense chooses to defend these actions.
If your ball screen offense needs some new life, take it to the next level. Counter pressure defenses and over-aggressiveness with actions defenses simply cannot stop. Don’t allow your pick and roll offense to be stopped! This is a must-have within any coach’s playbook and coaching library. Learn how to run the Ram & Veer actions today!
- 118 Pages
- 44 Ram Plays
- 15 Veer Action & Wide Pin-down plays
- 37 Drills to help teach Ram & Veer concepts to your team so you can quickly implement them within your offense
Views: 2426$19.99 -
UCLA Series Offensive Playbook (w/drills)
by Coach VannViews: 2173$19.99UCLA SERIES
Dating itself back to the days of legendary coach John Wooden, the UCLA High 1-4 offense is still one of the most widely used and most productive offenses in the game of basketball today. The UCLA offense utilizes the skills of all five players on the floor and emphasizes all of the fundamentals of passing, screening, and cutting to create various scoring opportunities.
The high post action of the UCLA offense can be beneficial for teams that may be guard-oriented or undersized at the low post position as it brings the opponent’s big’s away from the hoop. In addition, the UCLA high 1-4 alignment can also prevent the defense from being able to establish a help-side defense that can open up the lane for penetration. Another advantage of running the high 1-4 set is that it is versatile as all the plays can be run to either side and provide excellent spacing.
In this 215-page playbook, you’ll find pressure release plays within our Loop Action and Over/Under Action that can help you attack those overly aggressive defenses that deny the wings. You will also receive 12 different entry plays that you can use as false motions that can flow directly into any of your continuity offenses.
There are also several quick hitters that you can choose from with over 55 different counterplays to switch things up and keep the defense guessing. You will learn all the adjustments that a coach can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment.
We break the UCLA Offense down into both basic and advanced concepts making it super easy to teach. With over 100 pages of drills included, you and your team will be able to master the UCLA offense in no time.
Learn the offense that won Legendary coach John Wooden 10 National Championships today!
- 215 Pages
- Over 55 Quick hitters to choose from to counter what the defense may try to do
- 12 different UCLA entry plays
- Learn the 1 – 4 High UCLA Offense
- Learn how to beat pressure with our pressure release plays that can help alleviate against those overly aggressive defensive teams
- Over 100 pages of drills & teaching concepts that help breakdown the UCLA Offense
- Create a series of plays that fit to your team's strengths
Views: 2173$19.99 -
The Point Offense Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1229$14.99THE POINT SERIES
If you’re a fan of the Princeton offense, then you will quickly become a fan of the Point Series Offense. This offense is perfect for today’s ‘position-less’ game, and the Point Series is an outstanding pressure release offense to use against those overly aggressive defensive teams. You can also apply the Point Series to your numbered secondary break if you so desired, due to the fact the alignment start points can seamlessly take you from your primary break right into your secondary break.
This book has 124 pages full of play diagrams, practice drills, and everything that you need to install the entire offensive series. There are also several quick hitters that you can choose from with over 40 different counterplays to switch things up and keep the defense guessing. You will learn all the adjustments that a coach can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment.
You will also have access to 45 different practice drills that will help you and your team run the Point Series to perfection. The entire offense is broken down for you using game-type drills and teaching concepts to give your team the best chance at success.
The Point Series is a must-have addition within every coach's library!
- 124 Pages
- Ovеr 40 Quick hitters to choose from to counter the defense
- 45 Practice Drillѕ
- Learn how to take advantage of those overly aggressive defensive teams
- Create a series of plays that fit your team's strengths
Views: 1229$14.99 -
The Chin & Point Series Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1896$19.99THE CHIN & POINT SERIES PLAYBOOK
The Princeton offense was first made famous and popularized by Pete Carril during his time as the head basketball coach while at Princeton University. The Princeton offense is an excellent offense to implement for teams that may not be too talented from a scoring standpoint.
This playbook features two of the main actions out of the Princeton offense in both the Chin & Point Series, which can add multiple layers to your offense. The Chin Series is beneficial because of its versatility and features certain types of screens, such as back screens and flare screens that help to generate quick scores near the basket. While the Point Series functions well more like a pressure release offense and creates its scoring opportunities by using the point guard and the post man in several different ways.
The Chin & Point Series Playbook contains 95 total quick-hitting plays and over 55 different drills that will help you teach the offense to your team. This book has an answer for anything a defense might throw at you. Fans of the Princeton offense will want to add this playbook to their collection, and it’s a must-have in any coach's library.
No matter what level of basketball you coach at these offenses work! Find out all the answers in this 214-page gem!
- 214 Pages
- 2 continuity offenses
- Learn the Point Series & Princeton Offense
- Create your series of plays that fit your players and team’s strengths
- 95 Quick hitters to choose from to counter what the defense may try to do
- Over 55 drills that break the offense down into game-like drills and teaching concepts
- Learn how to take advantage of those overly aggressive defensive teams
Views: 1896$19.99 -
The Pistol Offense & DHO Actions
by Coach VannViews: 1668$14.99THE PISTOL OFFENSE PLAYBOOK
You’ve heard of the Pistol Offense in football. Now, check it out on the basketball court! Like its gridiron counterpart, the Pistol Offense is a fast-paced up-tempo offense that attacks the opponents with speed. The Pistol Offense has a consecutive action that has a dribble handoff immediately followed by a ball screen. In this book, you will learn the intricacies of the offense, how to use it early in your transition, as well as how to use it within your half-court offense.
You will also receive 234 pages full with 60 different plays to adjust to how the defense is playing you along with 5 different entry play options that can easily flow into one of your continuity offenses. We also give you over 100 various drills that will help you teach your players to understand the proper reads that they need to make within the offense that will put extreme pressure on a defense. This frequently leads to and causes confusion and miscommunication within the defense.
We hаvе рut thе rеѕоurсеѕ together in this Piѕtоl Offense book tо give you the bеѕt plays and drills to ensure your team's success. We also break down the basic and advanced concepts of this offense, including how to teach it, step by step, using game-like drills, and breakdown teaching concepts.
If you have been searching for a way to pick up the pace and get your team to play fast, get more shots up, and have more possessions within a game, then search no more. This Pistol Offense playbook is the answer!
- 234 Pages
- The Pistol Offense is a transition offense
- Learn the Pistol Offense and how to attack your opponents
- 60 Quick hitters to counter what the defense may try to do
- 5 Entry Plays
- Over 100 practice drills
Views: 1668$14.99 -
The Swing Offense
by Coach VannViews: 2256$19.99THE SWING OFFENSE PLAYBOOK
Developed by Wisconsin legend Bo Ryan and made famous by San Antonio’s head coach Gregg Popovich, the Swing offense is 4 Out 1 In continuity offense that is interchangeable. This offense can help your team produce great shots through great spacing, screening, cutting, passing, and motion, which are all key components to its success. Another great thing about this offense is that you do not need great athletes to run it. This offense was designed to get the ball moving from one side of the court to the other and stretch the defense out, which can help create easy scoring opportunities for your offense.With the help of this 243-page playbook, you will learn all the in’s and out’s of the Swing Offense. You will learn how we transition directly into our Swing continuity from our secondary break and how we like to get into our offense from our baseline and sideline out of bounds plays.
When defenses start to overplay and cheat our basic Swing motion, run one of the many counters or quick hitters provided in this book, which features over 34 different counter plays that you can choose from that will help you to catch the defense off guard. This offense is positionless and easily adaptable to your personnel allowing a coach to decide where and how to attack against opponents. This book shows you many of the adjustments a coach can make during a game to make sure that you make the right call at the perfect moment.
You will also get over 175 pages of practice drills that will help you to install the Swing Offense by using game-like drills and teaching concepts that will easily help you implement this offense to your team.
Learn to run the same offense as some of the best college programs and NBA teams today with the help of this outstanding playbook.
- 243 Pages
- 3 continuity offenses
- 34 Quick hitters to counter what the defense may try to do
- Over 175 pages in practice drills
Views: 2256$19.99 -
The Flex Offense Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 2566$14.99THE FLEX OFFENSE PLAYBOOK
The Flex Continuity Offense is one of the most popular and most utilized offenses in basketball. This is an old school patterned continuity offense that features passing, screening, and cutting. Back in 2002, Gary Williams won a National Championship running this offense with the Maryland Terrapins. In this playbook, we break it all down and provide you with a complete system so that you can quickly implement this offense with your team.
Why use the Flex continuity offense? The Flex Offense allows coaches to put players in a position to take advantage of their strengths while masking a team's weakness. The Flex offense is easy to teach. This offense is positionless and easily adaptable to your personnel allowing a coach to decide where and how to attack against opponents.
You’ll learn how to seamlessly transition from your secondary break right into one of your Flex offense continuities. We will also show you how to get right into your Flex Offense from both your sideline and baseline out of bounds plays. Then you will receive 10 different entry plays that can help you to disguise your intentions through false motion.
In addition, you’ll see how to defend against teams that like to run the Flex offense. This offense can be very predictable and easy to defend against if you switch every screen. This is why in this playbook, we give you 2 different Flex continuity offenses that you can run along with 25 different counterplay options that you can also use to catch your opponent’s off guard. Furthermore, everything in this book is broken down using game-like drills and teaching concepts.
If you are a coach who runs the Flex Offense, this book will provide you with the tools to help your offense run it more proficiently. If you don't run the Flex Offense, this book will also help your defense learn how to defend against it. Either way, It’s a must-have in any coach's library!
- 86 pages
- 2 Flex continuity offenses
- 10 entry play options
- 25 Quick hitters to counter what the defense may try to do
- 19 different breakdown and practice drills
- Learn the flex continuity offense, how we transition directly into it from our secondary break, as well as how we like to get into our offense from our baseline and sideline out of bounds plays.
Views: 2566$14.99 -
Pressure Release & Backdoor Plays Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1372$19.99THE PRESSURE RELEASE PLAYBOOK
If you coach long enough, the day will come when a more athletic defense completely suffocates you by putting a ton of ball pressure, denying all wing entry passes, and by making it extremely difficult for you to execute your offense. What do you do?
The Pressure Release Playbook has the answers. Choose from any number of plays that will help alleviate against that defensive pressure. Choose from plays that do not require an entry pass. Instead, choose from those that use a dribble entry or elbow flashes that will allow you to initiate your offense efficiently. You will also learn how to run pressure release plays that can help lead to some easy backdoor lay-in’s that will help soften up the defense.
If you want to run a successful program, then you have to have an answer for pressure defenses. This playbook was developed by coaches for coaches to help them find pressure release plays that will make life just a little easier for their players, so they do not have to work so hard on the offensive end.
Don’t fight pressure anymore. Attack it head-on with the Pressure Release Playbook!
- 496 Pages
- Over 300 Plays to choose from
- 75 Practice Drills to choose from to help your players learn how to handle pressure and work on pressure release actions
- Great plays to use when facing teams who pressure the basketball and deny the wings and one pass away
- These are great plays to use that typically do not require a wing entry pass but instead will involve a post entry pass or a dribble entry
- Pig Action Plays & Drills
- Pinch Post Action Plays & Drills
Views: 1372$19.99 -
3 Point Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1146$19.99THE 3-POINT PLAYBOOK
It’s a given in today’s game. At some point, you’re going to need a 3-pointer. In the huddle, before you’re team heads back out onto the floor, are they confident in your play call? Now you can run a set play at the end of the game for one of your best shooters and get the shot that you want.
Give your team everything it needs to hit that game-winning three with the 3-Point Playbook. It’s full of hundreds of plays to get the ball into the hands of your best long-range shooter.
This book breaks down every 3-point play into 8 different actions for you to choose from. Also included within this book are practice drills for each category to help your team prepare for those game-like shots that they will get in a game. These actions include:
- Elevator Plays
- Hammer Plays
- Pop Plays
- Double Staggers
- Floppy Plays
- Flare Plays
- (STS) T-Series Plays
- Miscellaneous Plays
Whatever the situation, be prepared to nail that desperately needed three. Dive deep into your playbook for something new, something your opponents have never seen before. In a modern game that places great emphasis on the three-pointer, never be without a solution with the 3-Point Playbook.
- 791 Pages
- 8 different 3-Point Categories
- Over 250 3-Point plays to choose from to get your best shooter an open shot
- We also give you 195 different shooting drills broken down within each category
- Decoy actions and misdirection plays
- Game-winning shots and plays
Views: 1146$19.99 -
The Pick & Roll Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 899$29.99PNR PLAYBOOK
The pick and roll is the most utilized play in basketball at all levels of the game. A great PNR can create great penetration opportunities and put the defense in tough to defend situations. The PNR can also help to create some mismatch opportunities.
You will learn how to run PNR’s that have great spacing along with numerous plays with multiple options to counter the defense no matter how they decide to play you. Learn how to counter and neutralize the bottom low weak side tag defenders as well as take advantage of the 2 on 1 situations out of the PNR.
In this playbook, we provide you with 2 different PNR continuity offenses that you can run full with adjustments. You will also receive 3 different PNR series that you can choose from that include drag screens, step up screens, side screens, Ram screens, Spain screens, and more. We give you a variety of PNR’s from multiple locations on the floor.
In addition, we also provide you with 4 different specific actions that can help to get your wing players into some surprise PNR opportunities through various actions such as; loop actions, ram actions, ghost actions, etcetera.
Also, we couldn’t just give you all of the offense and not teach you or show you how we like to defend against the PNR. We give you numerous different PNR coverages as well as over 50 different drills you can use to teach your players and team how you want to defend the PNR from various positions on the floor.
Want to create advantages for your offense? Learn how to make one defender have to guard against two players, which just never works out well for the defense. It’s all in this beautiful playbook. Pick up the PNR playbook today and learn how to carve up opposing defenses!
- 624 Pages
- 2 PNR Continuity Offenses with multiple counters
- 3 PNR Series
- Pressure Release PNR Plays
- Over 50 Drills teaching you how to defend against the PNR
- 30 “Tag Man” drills
- Learn how to create an advantage for the offense by making one defender have to guard against two players
- Double Drags
- Wing PNR’s & decoy PNR’s
Views: 899$29.99 -
The High / Low Offensive Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1596$19.99HIGH/LOW ACTION PLAYBOOK
Take advantage of that All-League post player with high-low action that will leave your opponents in the dust. Learn how to work the offense to get high percentage shots inside and out on every possession. If you have a dominant low post player that you want to take advantage of on the block and you are tired of the defense always doubling your post players because your plays have inadequate spacing, then this playbook is for you.
The High-Low Action playbook offers you a wealth of information that allows you to take advantage of your dominant big. The High-Low offense is a basketball offense that utilizes a high post player and low post player to create scoring opportunities near the basket. Additionally, this offense can be an excellent strategy to implement by teams that have at least two post players that can both play in the high post and low post. However, you can pretty much apply the High-Low into any offense based on team personnel and the creativity of the coaching staff.
Coaches at all levels will benefit from these simple high-low plays, entries, continuity actions, and even drills to perfect the High-Low offense. Prevent teams from packing it in on your post player. Spread them out, open it up, and take control of the High-Low Action playbook today!
- 409 Pages
- Kansas 3-Out-2 In Continuity Offense
- 3 different continuity actions
- 16 separate counter plays
- 18 Different Entry Plays that disguise our action through a false motion that flows right into your High/low continuity offense
- Over 60 High-Low Plays to choose from
- Over 150 breakdown drills to help you build up your High-Low Offense
Views: 1596$19.99 -
The Low Post Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1168$24.99LOW POST PLAYS PLAYBOOK
For teams with dominant post players, do you tire of facing double teams every single possession? If this sounds like you, then the Low Post Plays resource is going to be your new best friend.
With an outstanding post player, there are a number of ways to take advantage of mismatches throughout a game. The Low Post Plays book is full of play after play that will help put your big in a position to score whenever you want. You will find a variety of plays from numerous different alignments so that any coach is sure to find a few gems they can add to their playbook.
This resource doesn’t just focus on the offensive end of the floor as it also works defensively on the other end of the floor as well. Find over a hundred different defensive drills to work on. Teach your players how to defend against those strong post players and common offensive post actions. Practice drills that will not only help improve your inside game but also teach your players proper techniques for how to defend against low post players. Take away a dominant post player and force teams to beat you another way.
This well-researched playbook will give any coach some new and creative ideas to feed the ball inside to that dominant post player. Pick it up today and learn how to dominate in the post!
- 937 Pages
- 250 Plays
- Over 250 Drills
- 120 Defensive Drills to defend against post players and post actions
- If you have a dominant post player, then this is the book for you. Use plays that take advantage of a mismatch to get the ball to your best player while not allowing the defense to be in a position to double them
Views: 1168$24.99 -
The Box Series
by Coach VannViews: 920$14.99THE BOX SERIES
Take the traditional Box and open it up on your opponents with over 80 different plays from quick hitters to baseline and sideline out of bounds plays. This 103-page go-to resource gives you 38 quick hitters, 24 baseline out of bounds plays, and 23 sideline out of bounds plays all using the Box alignment.
The Box is a perfect set to disguise your intentions and confuse your opponents. Choose from a variety of actions and create your own series of plays to fit your team's strengths. In addition, you'll get 7 different ways to initiate your offense.
Running plays from the Box set is easy to teach and simple for players to learn. Plus, the Box is adaptable to any offense. Open the Box up today and give your best players the opportunities to fill it up.
- 38 Plауѕ
- 24 – Bаѕеlinе Out оf Bоundѕ Plays (BLOB's)
- 23 – Sideline Out of Bоundѕ Plауѕ (SLOB's)
- 7 Diffеrеnt Entry Plays
- Create your оwn ѕеriеѕ оf рlауѕ thаt fit tо уоur players аnd team's strengths.
Views: 920$14.99 -
Backdoors & Lobs Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 837$19.99BACKDOORS & LOBS PLAYBOOK
Are you looking for a way to silence that boisterous home crowd? Nothing tells your opponents gym to take a seat like a well-executed backdoor or lob play. If it ends in a dunk, forget it! If you have struggled with athletic teams that just continually pressure the ball with wings denying entry passes looking for easy turnovers, the Backdoors & LOBs Playbook is your new best friend.
These are great plays to use to start a game, in those after time-out (ATO’s) situations, or anytime the defense is playing you aggressively.
Find the answer to aggressive defenses, loud crowds, and a lack of energy on offense with this well-researched playbook. Find plays that you can use in any special situation to get a great look at the basket.
If you’re not running any backdoor plays within your offense, you should be. They can help soften up a defense so that you can then effectively carve it up with your set plays or motion offenses. Catch your opponent’s off guard and add more W’s to your win column with the Backdoors & LOBs Playbook.
- 320 Pages
- Over 125 Plays to choose from
- 30 Lob Play’s to quiet the opponent's crowd and deflate the other team while bringing energy to yours
- Over 50 drills
- Over 10 BLOB’s & SLOB’s that you can call to catch the defense sleeping in those special situations
Views: 837$19.99 -
The DHO Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1378$29.99THE DHO PLAYBOOK
Evolve with the game of basketball and get your hands on the DHOs playbook. The dribble handoff is taking over the modern-day game of basketball. If the game is slowly passing you by, get back on track by learning all there is to know about dribble handoffs.
The dribble handoff offense features action in which the ball handler dribbles towards a teammate and makes a handoff pass to them. The dribble handoff action could be thought of as a legal moving screen because the ball handler that makes the handoff pass can block the pathway of the off-ball defender that is guarding the player receiving the pass. When that occurs, the player that receives the ball could get open for a jump shot or potentially attack on a dribble-drive to the basket as he is coming off the handoff with momentum. This makes DHO’s extremely hard to defend against for the defense.
However, the beauty of the DHOs playbook is that it also provides you with the knowledge in how to defend against the dribble handoff. As more teams at all levels of the game start to implement dribble handoffs into their playbooks, all coaches will need to adapt and be prepared to defend against them.
You will also receive over 100 different Chicago Action plays. Chicago Action has become a staple for every team at both the collegiate and NBA levels in recent years. We give you a multitude of different plays that you can run out of different alignments that all use Chicago action, and now you can have all of those plays all in one single library.
In this book, you will learn all the ins and outs of the DHO, how to read defenses and offenses and choose from over a hundred drills to make the dribble handoff a part of your offensive attack today.
- 631 Pages
- This book has everything that involves a dribble handoff (DHO’s)
- Over 300 DHO Plays to choose from
- We give you over 100 drills to help your players with their DHO reads. These drills will help your player’s decision making not only in the DHO game but the PNR game as well. We have several disadvantage drills to help improve both your offense and defense in making reads and in recovery on defense
- Over 100 Chicago Action Plays
Views: 1378$29.99 -
Miscellaneous Sets & Plays
by Coach VannViews: 818$9.99THE MISCELLANEOUS PLAYBOOK
Your opponent just called a timeout. How can you take advantage of the inbound situation and turn it into points? What do you do when you need a late-game bucket?
As a coach, you face numerous unique situations in every game. Prepare yourself for all of them with Coach Vann’s Miscellaneous Playbook. You will find plays for any situation that you might encounter and more.
Want to confuse your opponents? Coach Vann takes care of that too with several different set plays from some very unusual alignments to confuse the defense. This is a smorgasbord of plays from different alignments that can help confuse the defense, and these are also great plays for you to use in those end of the game (EOG) or after time-out (ATO) scenarios that no coach can have too many plays for.
Always have an answer for every situation you may encounter. Add the Miscellaneous Playbook to your library. It’s the one resource you can count on to win you at least one extra game each year.
- 82 Pages
- Over 70 Plays for you to choose from
- Miscellaneous plays from odd alignments to mix things up and confuse your opponents
- Great plays to use in special situations such as after a timeout (ATO plays), or end of game (EOG) situations
Views: 818$9.99 -
The Complete Zone Defensive Playbook
Is your team undersized or maybe outmatched athletically? If so, then this is the right book for you. All you need to run the most effective zone defense is found right here in this playbook. Turn your team into a defensive juggernaut by learning how to dictate tempo to your opponents and disguising your intentions by wreaking havoc on your opponents. Coach Vann shares all of his defensive secrets with you and also gives you the defensive terminology that he uses with his teams.
This book teaches you how to use multiple different defenses, half-court traps, and even a few junk defenses to shut down your opponents and take away their best players. Force your opponents to move the basketball aimlessly and take low percentage shots by constantly switching defenses. This book teaches you how to disguise your traps to confuse the offense and keep your opponents from being comfortable.
There are even a few surprises that we offer in the Zone Defense Playbook, which was made with you, the coach, in mind. Add it to your collection today and never be out of a game again.
- 108 Pages
- Learn how we rotate out of our 3 primary Zone defenses and how we like to play against specific actions such as the high post pass, ball screens, etc.
- Learn 3 different half-court trapping defenses that we use to create turnovers and create chaos against our opponents
- How to defend against special situations like versus BLOBS & SLOBS plays
- Learn how to control the tempo and the pace of the game by mixing up your zone defenses and half-court traps to keep the offense off guard by slowing your opponent’s down
- Learn our trapping concepts, surprise traps, and calls that we use to create chaos and turnovers by our opponents
Views: 1609$14.99 -
The Rocket 2 Sided Fast Break
by Coach VannViews: 3366$14.99THE ROCKET 2-SIDE FAST BREAK PLAYBOOK
For teams that like to push the ball and play at high speeds, this is a must-have to learn the modern-day two-side fast break. Now you can run the fast break offense that teams like the Houston Rockets or Auburn Tigers are running with great success!In this 97-page gem, you will learn the two-sided fast break concepts that you see in both college and professional basketball. This modern-day break is broken down using drills to simulate game-like situations. Your players will learn the concepts necessary to learn how to run the two-sided fast break and be successful, just like the best teams in the NBA.
You’ll also find 42 different drills that will help you exploit your opponent’s transition defense and take advantage of those unique situations by turning them into easy points. In addition, to ensure that defenses don’t get a beat on what you are doing, there are also 15 counter plays presented to help you score and score quickly by countering how the defense is playing you.
If you аrе a tеаm whо likes to рuѕh thе bаll оr play an uр-tеmро ѕtуlе, then this iѕ a muѕt-hаvе in уоur coaching library! Pick up the Rocket 2 Side Break Playbook today!
- 2 ѕidеd fаѕt break concepts
- 15 counter plауѕ
- 42 Drillѕ thаt will help you to convert thеѕе аdvаntаgе ѕituаtiоnѕ into роintѕ
- Thе breakdown оf thiѕ оffеnѕе using game likе drillѕ аnd teaching соnсерtѕ
Views: 3366$14.99 -
The Secondary Break & Transition Offense Playbook
by Coach VannViews: 1176$49.99THE SECONDARY BREAK PLAYBOOK
In this book, you will learn everything that you need to run the secondary break with high efficiency and teach your team how to transition from their primary break to their secondary break seamlessly.
Don’t give your opponents a chance to catch their breath. Teach your team to push the ball at every opportunity and wear the defense down. Teach your team how to take advantage of those early defensive mismatches from bad defensive rotations.
When the fast break doesn’t produce an easy basket, teams have to have the ability to capitalize and flow directly into their secondary break seamlessly. This playbook has everything that you need, whether you run a numbered break, a 2 side fast break, or the drag series, and more.
After reading this 495-page playbook, you will be able to choose from 6 different secondary break offenses to keep the pressure on the defense. Your team will learn to push the ball in transition and take advantage of teams that don’t get back on defense. For those times when the primary break doesn’t produce a basket, your team can easily flow right into the Carolina Break, the Rocket 2-Sided Break, 5 Wide Break, etcetera.
Each offense comes with several quick hitters that you can choose from that can counter anything a defense might throw at you.
If you are a coach who likes to push the pace and play with tempo, this book is a must-have within your coaching library!
- 6 Diffеrеnt Sесоndаrу Brеаk Offenses еасh with numеrоuѕ counters
- Dоn't givе уоur орроnеnt a chance tо саtсh thеir brеаth. Tеасh your tеаm to рuѕh the ball at every орроrtunitу to wear thе defense dоwn
- Carolina Brеаk (135 рlауѕ)
- Rосkеt Brеаk
- 5 Widе Brеаk
- Point Brеаk
- Pistol Break
- Drag Series
- Sideline break plays to use off opponents free throws
Views: 1176$49.99 -
Transition Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1214$39.99TRANSITION DRILLS
Whether you want to play fast or are preparing for a team that likes to play fast, you will find drills in this book that will get your team ready to win the transition battle. Playing fast is not about rushing to get shots up quickly; it is about speeding up your opponents and forcing them to play at an uncomfortable pace that they are not used to playing. For your team to become effective in both transition offense and defense, you must first practice intense and fast-paced drills daily, so that your players feel comfortable playing at this speed in games.
Teams that get up the floor quickly on offense can take advantage of defenses that do not get back in time. Teams that struggle to get back quickly in transition defense often find themselves on the short end of games.
The Transition Drills book was made just for you. There are 972 pages full of over 400 different practice drills that help you and your team improve in all aspects of the transition game.
Learn not only to stop your opponents in defensive transition but also to learn how to take advantage offensively to score some quick and easy points. The drills are all broken down into 14 different categories for easy reference. Take your team's transition game to the next level with the Transition Drills book!
- 972 Pages
- Drills are broken down intо 14 specific саtеgоriеѕ
- Over 400 Practice Drills
- Imрrоvе your dеfеnѕivе trаnѕitiоn & conversion
- Improve your offense in both your primary and ѕесоndаrу breaks
- Learn to teach your team how to communicate & quickly sprint back after change-of-possessions.
- Teach players to stop the ball, contain penetration, protect the rim, and match-up
Views: 1214$39.99 -
Defensive Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1616$99.99DEFENSIVE DRILLS
The Defensive Drill Playbook was written with one single purpose: to help coaches plan and execute more efficient practices.
Dеfеnѕе is the fоundаtiоn оf аnу ѕuссеѕѕful bаѕkеtbаll tеаm. Building a ѕоlid defensive fоundаtiоn iѕ juѕt аѕ imроrtаnt as hаving an еffесtivе offense. By executing thе рrореr fundаmеntаlѕ, rоtаtiоnѕ, and соmmuniсаtiоn ѕtrаtеgiеѕ, уоur tеаm will аntiсiраtе thеir opponents' mоvеѕ аnd prevent thеm frоm scoring.
It all starts with the drills. Plan your practices to teach the progression of lockdown defense the same way coach Vann does. Coach Vann has a career winning percentage over .800, and part of his success can be attributed to having a solid defense. Teach it the same way he does. The stance, the slides, the closeouts, and more are all part of the Defensive Drills book, quite possibly the only defensive resource you will ever need.
One оf the biggеѕt challenges beginning соасhеѕ fасе is dеtеrmining hоw tо structure рrасtiсеѕ. Thinking ahead аnd planning оut thе ѕеаѕоn are crucial tо a team's ѕuссеѕѕ аnd the реrѕоnаl growth оf еасh рlауеr. Use thiѕ guide to еѕtаbliѕh a bаѕkеtbаll рrасtiсе рlаn that саn bе аdарtеd thrоughоut thе season.
You will also learn how to teach your players how to stop the most common offensive actions that they will see during a season. Practice against аll оffеnѕivе ѕituаtiоnѕ ѕо that there are no ѕurрriѕеѕ оn gаmе day and take away what your opponents do best. Slow down great offensive players and win games with your defense.
The book is broken down into 36 specific defensive actions with all the drills broken down into each area to make it super easy to find the drill that you want or need when you need it. Each section goes to great length and detail on how to tackle anything that your opponent might throw your way.
If you have struggled defensively in the past at any level, let Coach Vann coach you up with his complete Defensive Drills book! Beginning coaches, winning coaches, even Hall of Fame coaches can put the Defensive Drills book to use. Whether you need an individual or team drill or just a new idea for something fresh, Coach Vann has you covered. Get the Defensive Drill book today and find the right drills for your basketball team!
- 2930 Pages
- 36 Different specific actions with all drills broken down into each area to make it super easy to find the drill you want or need when you need it
- We break down all of our drills into specific actions so that you can easily find precisely what drill it is that you are looking for at the drop of a hat
- This drill book will help you plan more efficient practices and save you time when doing so
- Improve your team's defense
Views: 1616$99.99 -
Shooting Drills
by Coach VannViews: 954$29.99SHOOTING DRILLS
For many coaches, shooting is the most important fundamental in the game of basketball. Passing and dribbling may put you in position for a great shot, but your players still have to make them.
A small improvement in team shooting percentage can make a difference in the win column at the end of a season. Bаѕkеtbаll ѕhооting drillѕ аrе a grеаt wау tо imрrоvе уоur tеаm ѕсоring аnd inсrеаѕе thе ассurасу аnd the rеliаbilitу of their ѕhоtѕ.
In this book, you will receive 29 different shooting categories with all of our shooting drills broken down into each specific category. These categories make it easy for you as a coach to find the specific drill and area that your team needs to work on. Whether it’s zone shooting, floaters, or shooting off the dribble, and more, this book has it all.
Coach Vann has developed the Shooting Drills playbook, a comprehensive reference where coaches will find everything that they need to develop their players into great shooters. Teach your players to take game shots, at game spots, at game speed, and simulate those game-like situations today with the Shooting Drills Book!
- 1449 Pages
- 29 Different Shooting Categories with all of our shooting drills broken down into each category
- You will get Drills that get players to take game shots, at game spots, at game speed and simulate game-like situations
- We also break down drills into catch and shoot, on the move catch and shoot, and shooting shots off the dribble
- Improve your players and your team’s shooting
Views: 954$29.99 -
Passing Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1214$29.99PASSING DRILLS
One of the core fundamentals in the game of basketball is passing. Passing inсоrроrаtеѕ tеаmwоrk and if your team can’t pass, it likely won’t win. You cannot expect to bе a gооd passing tеаm if you don’t work оn it daily.
Using basketball раѕѕing drillѕ iѕ a grеаt wау to imрrоvе уоur tеаm'ѕ раѕѕing аbilitу, whiсh iѕ essential in basketball and it will help you eliminate and lower your team’s turnovers per game. Thе kеу tо bесоming a rеаllу gооd passing tеаm is bу having ѕоmе drillѕ that ѕimulаtе rеаl gаmе like situations аnd teach your players thе tуреѕ оf раѕѕеѕ thаt they will nееd tо make in a gаmе. Thiѕ book dоеѕ juѕt that and will help to imрrоvе both your рlауеrѕ аnd tеаm'ѕ раѕѕing.
Surely, you do some of the same fundamental drills that everyone does, but how do you turn your group of players into an elite passing team? To improve passing, your players must work on it consistently. The Passing Drills playbook is loaded with drills that put your players in game-like situations where they are forced to make the correct decisions and make accurate passes.
This book gives you over 1000 pages and 16 different categories that we break every drill down into. Whether it’s improving your team’s PNR passing, one more pass concepts, outlet passes, or post-entry passes, and more, this book has you covered.
The library of passing drills will be the only resource for team passing that you will ever need and, more importantly, it will immediately help your program win more games.
- 1078 Pages
- 16 Different Passing Drill Categories
- Over 400 Different passing drills for you to choose from
- You cannot expect to be a good passing team if we do not work on it in daily
- The key to becoming an outstanding passing team is by having some drills that simulate real game like situations and the types of passes that players will need to make in a game. This book does just that
- Improve your players and your team’s passing
Views: 1214$29.99 -
PNR & DHO Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1514$24.99PNR & DHO DRILLS
If you want to be successful at any level of basketball, you are going to have to get with the times and make sure your players are well-versed in the pick and roll, as well as with the dribble handoff. In this book, Coach Vann makes it easy for you and provides you with all the drills that you will need to help your players master both the pick and roll and the dribble handoff.
Not only do we break down each drill for you, but we also give you coaching tips related to how to help players read defenses and what types of passes to make in different situations. We not only want to teach our players the proper reads in who to pass it to, but we also need to make sure that we teach our players the appropriate types of passes to make within those situations as well. Whether it’s the pocket pass, the drift pass, the throwback pass, or making the pick and pop pass, we cover each area in full detail.
An effective ball screen offense is helping many teams win championships at every level of the game. Buy this book today and let your offense take you to a championship.
- 572 Pages
- Over 200 DHO & PNR Drills broken down in 11 different categories
- The PNR is the most used action in basketball, so you will need to know how to be effective in not only running it but also how you want to defend against it. In this book, we give you drills to accomplish both
- The dribble handoff (DHO) is another action that has also become one of the most used actions in today’s game. The DHO is very similar to the PNR in that it can create an advantage for the offense. Again, we need our players both offensively and defensively to understand their reads and rotations.
- Drills are also broken dоwn into ѕоmе соmmоn асtiоnѕ thаt wе аrе ѕееing a lоt оf in thе more recent years. Actions ѕuсh аѕ Piѕtоl асtiоn, Chiсаgо асtiоn, Rаm асtiоn, dоublе drаg асtiоn, аnd the European ball ѕсrееn оffеnѕе асtiоn.
Views: 1514$24.99 -
Zone Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1346$24.99THE ZONE DRILLS PLAYBOOK
Are you looking for some new ways to work on your zone offense or zone defense? Does your team struggle with beating a press? Do you need your team to improve their full-court press and trapping defenses? If the answer is yes, then the Zone Drills Playbook has you covered on both ends of the floor. This book is jam-packed with over 430 pages of drills that can help elevate both your zone offense and defense.
Dominate zone defenses with an offense that easily picks apart the opposition. The way you get there is through repetition, putting your players in game-like situations in practice so that on game night attacking a zone or a press defense is merely second nature. This drill book will help you and your players to becoming a dominant zone offensive team by learning how to beat a zone through attacking gaps, pass fakes, shot fakes, and quick ball reversals.
Defensively, we give you several drills that will put your defense at a disadvantage with our 7 on 5 drills so that on game night, it feels like a walk in the park. We also have build up drills for whatever zone defense it is that you wish to run, and we break it all down to teach your players each zone defense and press from the ground up with our front line and backline drills. You will also receive some trapping drills to teach your team how to trap and surprise the offense within your zones.
Never again will your practice plan come up short. This drill book will not only help you plan out your practices more efficiently, but it will also help you save time in preparing your practices. Never has it been so easy to pick out and find the right drill that you need precisely when you need it. Whether you are a coach who likes to zone up or a coach who needs to teach his team how to beat a zone, this drill book is a must-have in your coaching collection, and it is guaranteed to take your team to the next level.
- 435 Pages
- Zone drills are all broken down into 7 different specific categories. Offense, defense, Passing, Shooting, Combo Zone Drills, Press Defense and Press Offense Drills
- Become a dominant zоnе оffеnѕе by lеаrning hоw tо beat a zоnе thrоugh аttасking gaps, раѕѕ fakes, shot fаkеѕ, аnd quick bаll rеvеrѕаlѕ
- Teach your players how to beat a press defense
- Zone shooting drills
- Zone passing drills
Views: 1346$24.99 -
Rebounding Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1635$19.99REBOUNDING DRILLS
Are you looking to win a conference, district championship, or a state title? You better be a good rebounding team, and the only way you’ll get there is through intense practice. Find the individual and team rebounding drills that you need to take your program to the next level in coach Vann’s Rebounding Drills book.
Tо win bаѕkеtbаll games уоu muѕt hаvе gооd rebounders. This hоldѕ true оn both thе оffеnѕivе and defensive ends оf thе соurt. You саnnоt bесоmе a championship-caliber tеаm without dоminаting thе bасkbоаrd! Thе tеаm thаt controls thе backboard usually wins. Why? Mоrе rеbоundѕ lead to more роѕѕеѕѕiоnѕ, аnd mоrе possessions lеаd tо mоrе ѕесоnd-сhаnсе ѕсоring opportunities. And, the tеаm with thе most second-chance scoring opportunities usually wins.
Teach your players the demeanor and attitude that it takes to be a strong rebounding team. Instill them with the toughness and confidence that is needed to outrebound opponents on a consistent basis. Thе ability tо rеbоund iѕ, not something that уоu аrе born with, it is ѕоmеthing that you lеаrn tо dо. With a littlе hаrd wоrk аnd effort, your team can become a great rеbоunding team in no time with The Rebounding Drills Book.
If you’re looking to win more games and championships, then The Rebounding Drills book should be on the shelf in your coaching library today!
- 74 Pages
- Over 40 different Basic rebounding Team Drills
- 15 different rebounding & outlet passing drills
- This might be one of the more essential areas of a basketball game that can have a direct effect on whether you win or lose
- It takes toughness and a certain type of attitude to want to be a great rebounding team.
- Improve your players and your team’s rebounding
- A rebounding system that will get your team more 2nd and 3rd shots
Views: 1635$19.99 -
Finishing Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1140$19.99FINISHING DRILLS
If your players can’t finish at the rim, then you’ve got problems. This book will help you teach your players how to finish when they get to the basket. The Finishing Drills book is full of drills designed to do one thing – teach athletes to finish at the rim.
Whether it’s on the fast break or a post move to the basket, players must be well-versed in finishing around the rim, and you must teach them how to play through contact and score.
As an added bonus, learn how to prevent easy baskets in disadvantaged situations like with the 2-on-1 or 3-on-2 breaks. You will also learn how to teach your players how to contest shots without fouling.
Never be caught without a finishing drill and teach your players to finish like the pros with Finishing Drills, the one resource that will help your team finish strong.
- 269 Pages
- Over 170 drills
- 32 different 2 on 1 Drills
- 19 additional 3 on 2 Drills
- 134 Miscellaneous Finishing Drills
- Teach your team and players how to finish around the rim and convert those fast breaks into easy points
Views: 1140$19.99 -
Games, Fun, & Competitive Drills
by Coach VannViews: 911$9.99GAMES & FUN DRILLS
The basketball season is a long one. Sometimes, practices seem like everyone is going through the motions. If уоu want to ѕuссееd as a basketball соасh, thеrе needs to bе a bаlаnсе between motivation, tеасhing, аnd excitement. It can be a balancing act sometimes.
For those times, when you need something to provide a spark, Coach Vann brings you the Games & Fun Drills book. This book has a variety of practice drills that you can use to help break up a long season. Sometimes doing the same drills day in or day out, your players start to get complacent. Using one of these drills can help take your practices up to a new level and bring back the team’s energy levels.
Players, as we know, are competitors and love to compete. Adding a few different competitive games throughout your practices can really help break the monotony of practice and help to lighten the mood.
Working on fundamentals is important, but the same drills day-in and day-out can become boring not only as a player but as a coach too. When you need a lift from the mundane, open up the Games & Fun Drills book and add the excitement back into your program.
Sometimes, your program just needs a little fun to bring back the competitive edge. Get it today!
- 119 Pages
- 73 Drills
- In this section, we give you some different drills that can help to break up the monotony of your practices throughout a long season.
- We also give you some fun drills that you can turn into games with your team.
Views: 911$9.99 -
Thinking Drills (Bball IQ)
by Coach VannViews: 490$4.99THINKING DRILLS
Wouldn’t it be great if your players could make their own reads and adjustments on the floor? It is entirely possible with Coach Vann’s Thinking Drills book. Coach Vann has won over 500 career games and has done so by preparing his players not only physically, but mentally as well. Teach your players the game inside and out, and you’ll be surprised how quickly your program will rise.
All of the drills in Coach Vann’s book are designed to improve a player’s basketball IQ. Your players will think more like coaches on the floor and be prepared to make quick decisions while under pressure.
Teach your players to make the proper basketball reads, how to make decisions on the fly, and watch your team's basketball IQ's skyrocket. Take your program to new heights today with the Thinking Drills book.
- 44 Pages
- 26 drills
- These drills will help your team, and your players improve their basketball IQ’s
- These drills will also help your players learn to make the proper basketball reads and how to make decisions on the fly
- Improve your players and your team’s basketball IQ’s
Views: 490$4.99 -
Basketball Conditioning Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1152$9.99CONDITIONING DRILLS
There is the old saying that defense wins championships. It may very well be true, but one thing is certain. If your team is not well-conditioned, it is not winning a championship.
Outlast opponents and win those late-game situations with Conditioning Drills by Coach Vann. Don’t just use drills that have players running back and forth to get conditioned that don’t use a basketball. Learn how to implement conditioning drills that also work on other skills such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. Maximize your practice time and kill 2-3 birds with 1 stone by accomplishing both conditioning drills with other skills to maximize your player's and team's growth.
There are games on your schedule right now that you can win solely based on the conditioning level of your players. Get your team into playing shape and maintain it for a long and successful season with Coach Vann’s Conditioning Drills.
- 179 Pages
- 116 Drills
- In this book, we give you different drills that can help you condition your team while also accomplishing a few other key skills
- Get your team in shape
Views: 1152$9.99 -
Everyday Drills
by Coach VannViews: 829$9.99EVERYDAY DRILLS
What your basketball program does on a daily basis shows up on the court on game night. Ask any coaches in any sport, and they will tell you certain drills are so crucial to a team’s identity and growth that they need to be done every day.
Coach Vann delivers you a complete resource full of drills that provide the backbone to some of the winningest programs in the sport. What these drills are is essential to any program.
Developing tоughnеѕѕ in уоur bаѕkеtbаll рrоgrаm iѕ аn еvеrуdау jоb. These drills are imperative to who we are and great drills to use all year round. These drills will help to slowly сrеаtе that tоughnеѕѕ thаt уоur team will nееd to continually improve in those key areas of success as the season progresses and the playoffs near.
Invest in your program today by using the Everyday Drills book to come up with the foundation of your success.
- 194 Pages
- 52 Everyday Drills
- 62 Practice Warm-Up Drills
- 19 Pre-Game Warm-Up Drills
- This book is full of some of my favorite drills. These drills are the cornerstone and backbone of our teams.
Views: 829$9.99 -
Baseline Out Of Bounds Plays (BLOB`S)
by Coach VannViews: 1093$14.99BLOBS PLAYBOOK
Learn how to attack both a zone and man-to-man defense through your special baseline out of bounds plays. Run baseline plays that give your team an opportunity for an easy score and also learn how these BLOB plays can flow right into your continuity offense seamlessly.
In this playbook, we give you 7 different series of BLOB plays that you can use to keep the defense on their toes. Each series starts in the same alignment with various actions to counter how a defense decides to play you. You will also receive over 65 BLOB plays that you can use versus both a zone defense or against a man-to-man.
Chance favors the prepared when it comes to certain situations in basketball. Prepare your team today for the baseline out of bounds situations with a myriad of proven, effective BLOBs. You’ll find a way to attack any defense and leave opponents shaking their heads. Win the special situations mini-game and pick up the BLOB playbook today!
- 73 Pages
- Over 65 BLOB Plays
- 7 Different Series of BLOB plays and alignments that help you disguise what you are doing to the defense
- 12 special plays to run against a zone defense
- Over 50 man to man inbounds plays
Views: 1093$14.99 -
Sideline Out Of Bounds Plays (SLOB`S)
by Coach VannViews: 1103$14.99SLOBS PLAYBOOK
It’s late in a game, and suddenly, your team has a sideline out of bounds opportunity on your opponent’s end of the floor with only a few seconds left in the game. What do you do? What do you call? Too many teams just don’t work on their sideline out of bounds plays enough. No longer. In this playbook, we give you 70 different SLOB plays that you can use that attack and put pressure on the defense.
The SLOBS Playbook also gives you multiple plays for any of those awkward inbound situations that you might face in any given game. Are you inbounding from the deep corner? No problem. You’ll find a play for any situation that might come up.
Use the sideline out of bounds playbook to your advantage and attack the defense. When your attack doesn’t produce a quick scoring opportunity, learn how to flow right back into one of your continuity offenses seamlessly. The SLOBS Playbook is a complete, comprehensive resource for one of the most overlooked situations in basketball. Don’t just inbound the ball, get the SLOBS Playbook, and learn how to attack the defense and win the special situations game today!
- 77 Pages
- 70 SLOB plays
- 6 COB (corner out of bounds) plays for those awkward inbound situations
- Need a 3 pointer late in a game after a timeout? This book is full of Game-winning plays from the SLOB
Views: 1103$14.99 -
Special Situation Cards
by Coach VannViews: 1220$9.99SPECIAL SITUATION CARDS
Down by 3, your opponent has the ball, and 10 seconds are remaining in the game. What do you do?
There are literally thousands of different scenarios that arise during the course of a single basketball game. Are you prepared for all of them? Better yet, are your players prepared for them?
Use Coach Vann’s Situation Cards to prepare your team for any special situation that might arise in a game. Coach Vann has won over 500 career games in part due to his ability to prepare his teams for these special situations, especially the end-of-game scenarios. This book will help yоur tеаmѕ bе more successful because уоur рlауеrѕ hаvе рrасtiсеd these various еnd of game scenarios all season long.
The situation cards are comprised of 110 pages that involve over 100 different scenarios. Situation cards, because of the variety of scenarios, will also help your players be more aware of these unique situations, and it will, in turn, help improve your player's basketball IQs.
We bet that this would be an innovative addition to your collection, and this book will surely make a significant difference on the court. Being a coach, you must make sure that your team is well prepared for any situation that your players may experience within a game.
This book is a must-have for your collection. Purchase this book today and add more tools to your coaching toolbox! Develop your team's late-game decision making and practice these unique situations and watch your total wins rise!
- 110 Pages
- 100 different situation Cards that you can use for your practice to practice those special situations that arise during a game
- The cards will help improve your team at those End of the game (EOG) scenarios, which can enhance your chances of winning the game.
Views: 1220$9.99 -
Pre-Game Warm-Up Drills
by Coach VannViews: 1498$4.99Have your players warmed up & ready to play.
Do you run basic lay-up lines for your warm-up's & wonder why your teams are starting out flat to start a game? Are your players mentally prepared for a game or are they more worried about waving to girlfriends or boyfriends in the stands instead?
In this book we give you 20 pre game warm-up drills that you can use to get your players ready to play just not physically but mentally as well.
Views: 1498$4.99 -
Coaching Tools
by Coach VannViews: 1496$2.99COACHING SHEETS
One of the most critical areas of a coach is being organized. Whether it’s a practice or a game, you need to be prepared, and you must be organized. During a season, one of the most important things a coach can do is plan efficient practices and be prepared in-game management.
If only you could find that practice plan or that offensive play call sheet. Wouldn’t it be great if you had every form that you could need all in one easy location? That’s precisely what you get when you invest in Coaching Sheets. We give you everything you need to be prepared for practices and games all in one place. Our Game Day sheets include the following.
- Defensive Play Call Sheet
- Offensive Play Call Sheet
- Lineups Card
- Player Play Calling Sheet
- Scouting Card
- Hustle Chart
- Play Diagrams for Special Situations
- Keep Track of Fouls & Timeouts Card
- Game Notes Card
From the more specific Timeouts Card to the In-Game Cheat Sheet, Coach Vann has you covered. Having access to all the forms that you’ll need will not just save you time, but it will also allow you to focus more on your efforts on producing more wins in games.
Now you can trасk thе stats that уоu wаnt tо trасk, and you can еаѕilу bring it to thе gаmеѕ with you for all your assistant coaches to use. These can help you as a coach make adjustments during a game to make the right decision at the perfect moment.
Thе Coaching ѕhееt саn dо the triсk. Get it today and always be prepared for any practice and every game!
- 14 Pages
- Every coach needs to be prepared during practice or in a game.
- Practice Plan
- In-Game Cheat Sheets
Views: 1496$2.99 -
365 Coaching Quotes
by Coach VannViews: 1342$4.99365 COACHING QUOTES
Are you a coach who struggles to find new quotes, new material, or new ways to motivate your team. If so, then this book is for you.
In it, you will receive 365 coaching and motivation quotes for every day of the year. You can use this to send to your players every day or split it up and use it just during the season for two full seasons.
These quotes are a great way to start a practice with your team to give them a daily thought or something to think about for that practice. You can use some of these quotes as a daily theme and focus on what to work on.
Being a basketball coach is not always about just basketball. In a lot of ways, we are an extension of the player's families, and there are life lessons to be learned off the court as well. These quotes will help you teach life lessons both on the court and off the court to your team and players.
These quotes are some of the best coaching quotes I have seen, and it’s a must-have for any coach's library!
- We give you a coaching quote for every day of the year to help motivate your players, coaches, and team
- These quotes can help give your team a daily thought and something to think about as the season progress
Views: 1342$4.99 -
Playbook Vocabulary
by Coach VannViews: 901$4.99This book shows all of our Terminology & Vocabulary for...
- Alignments
- Specific Actions
- Cuts
- Screens
Views: 901$4.99