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Yolett McPhee-McCuinn


Yolett McPhee-McCuin | Head Coach | Ole Miss Woman's

With last season being her third year as the head coach for Ole Miss, she has revitalized the energy within the WBB program over her time here so far. Every year that Coach McPhee-McCuin has been on staff the team has outplayed all expectations for that year. After being projected to come in last in the SEC in 2018 they improved their conference win total by 2 games compared to the year before. Previously to Ole Miss she was helped rejuvenate a Jacksonville program and turn them into a powerhouse, going 94-63 during her 5 years there. Previously to that, she had many stops as an assistant at Portland, Clemson, and Pitt just to name a few. Her ability to turn a program around and bring the program up from the bottom makes her an extremely valuable asset to the Ole Miss WBB program.