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10 Creative Ways Athletic Programs Can Use a Video Board to Raise Money

Fundraising is the lifeblood of high school athletic programs. Without it, our teams wouldn't have the equipment, uniforms, and facilities they need to compete and shine. But let's be honest, selling chocolate bars and washing cars can get a little old, right? One piece of equipment that can revolutionize your fundraising game is an LED video board (or a digital scoreboard).  And if it’s not in your gym and your outdoor stadium, it should be!

This underutilized gem can boost school spirit and engagement while also driving fundraising efforts. How, you ask? Well, buckle up because we're about to dive into ten inventive ways to turn your school’s video board into a fundraising powerhouse.

To succeed with these unique fundraising ideas is that you first have to present them to potential sponsors.  The first sponsors you talk to will need to know that their business is going to be presented in unique ways to your fans on GameDay.

Experience shows us that once other local businesses see how you are using your video board to promote your initial advertisers, they will begin calling you to support your program with their sponsorship!

Use our ten suggestions to generate your own ideas for what will benefit your athletes, sponsors, and fans!

The Fundraising Game Changer: Video Boards

1. Quarter/Half-Time Challenges

Picture this: the buzzer sounds, signaling the end of the quarter. Instead of everyone checking their phones, the video board lights up with an interactive challenge. Sponsored by a local business, a chosen fan gets to participate in a fun game with the chance to win prizes. It's entertainment for the crowd and a great advertising opportunity for the sponsor. Win-win! You are only limited to the challenges you have by your creativity. Here's one example of a halftime challenge: We call it “15 seconds of fame.”

The members of each sport that uses your video board record 15 second videos answering a “name as many as you can” question.  Name as many as you can: Olympic sports, state capitals, rivers, European cities, etc… One topic per athlete.  

The player should not know the question in advance.  They get the question and then the 15 seconds starts.  At the end they get a score of how many they named. Say they get 8 correct responses in 15 seconds.  If the player has trouble with their answers, give them a new topic and a new chance.  Again, this athlete’s part is recorded, not live.

At the break, a fan is randomly chosen from the list of fans who registered.  When the fan is announced, they should come down to the scorer’s table.  They will not know the question until their time starts.  Put the video feed of the fan on the video board (along with the sponsors name and logo).  Give them the same question that the players answered and 15 seconds to name as many as they can.  After the fan gets their score, play the pre-recorded video of the player answering the same questions on the video board.

If the fan beats or ties the player’s score, they receive a prize from the sponsor—gift certificate, swag, or whatever you workout with the sponsor.  If the fan doesn’t beat the player, they receive a consolation prize from the sponsor.

2. Sponsor-Featured Trivia

Who doesn't love a good trivia question? Displaying trivia on your digital scoreboard or video board related to a sponsor's products or services keeps the audience engaged during timeouts and quarter breaks. 

You can then pick a fan to answer the question (Display their answer on your board) and win a gift certificate or another prize from the sponsor. This not only promotes the sponsor but also adds an interactive and fun element to the game.

3. Live Social Media Feeds

In today's digital age, everyone's looking at their phones at timeouts. Why not leverage that? Display live social media posts from sponsors during game breaks on the video board.  It creates instant connections between the audience and the sponsors. 

Sponsors can offer deals and discounts for fans who connect with them on social media during the games.  Plus, it's a super cool way to use technology, right?

4. Instant Offers

How about turning your video board into a billboard that actually benefits your audience? 

Display QR codes for exclusive discounts from your sponsors that fans can redeem during or after the game.  For example, local restaurants offer a discount that is good only after the game.  Another in game discount could be to sign up for a free session at a local gym.  

Once you get the ball rolling, your sponsors will be able to tell you what will benefit them.  All you have to do is provide them with the opportunity by featuring them on your videoboard.

It's a win for the fans, a win for the sponsors, and a win for your fundraising efforts!

5. Virtual Contests

Virtual contests or sweepstakes sponsored by local businesses will create a sense of anticipation and excitement for your sponsor and for your school. Have the businesses run a contest for the week leading up to the game and announce the winners on the video board at the next home game for an added touch.

Just think of the buzz this will create!  It is a way for sponsors to promote themselves and it is also a way for you to increase attendance at your events!

6. Sponsored Fan Challenges

Fan challenges like the loudest cheer or the best sign can really pump up the school spirit. Feature the video feeds of these challenges on your scoreboard.  Add in prizes from local businesses, and you've got yourself a recipe for an unforgettable game night.

7. Spotlight on Sponsors

Dedicate a segment of the game to showcase the community involvement or philanthropic efforts of your sponsors. It's a feel-good segment that lets your audience see the core values of your sponsors businesses.

8. Behind-the-Scenes Tours

Take your fans on a virtual tour of a sponsor's facilities. It creates an interactive experience that can bring a sponsor's services closer to your audience, fostering a deeper connection.

9. Interactive Polls

People love to share their opinions. So why not engage fans with live polls related to your sponsors' products? Ask multiple choice questions regard the fans favorite products or other sponsor related questions. Reveal the results on the video board near the end of the game, stoking curiosity and participation.

10. Virtual Fan Cam

The virtual fan cam showcases fans watching from home. You can connect with family and friends who are not close enough to attend your games in person.  Or feature fans who have a hard time attending in person due to age, physical challenges, or work schedules.  Incorporating sponsor logos into this can provide added exposure for your sponsors.

Now, for how to select fans for these interactive experiences. Why not have a registration booth right at the entrance to the game? Fans can sign up for free or for a small fee, and you can randomly select participants during the game.

What Will You Do to Be More Creative in Your Video Board Fundraising?

Each of these revenue generating strategies not only adds to the excitement of the game but also provides unique advertising opportunities for sponsors.

By leveraging your video board in these creative ways, you can ensure continued support for your high school athletic programs while injecting a healthy dose of school spirit. Creatively harness the power of your video board and take your fundraising game to the next level. Your teams, your fans, and your sponsors all win! GameDay will never be the same!