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One of the best parts about professional sports is that the camera is almost always on the players. That means that when something funny happens, it’s easy for it to become immortalized into a legendary animated GIF. We spent time scouring the Internet and found these great 13 funny basketball GIFs.

1. Raptor

This hilarious GIF is somewhat representative of this franchises history…

2. Nash

Even players from opposing teams mess with each other in friendly ways.

3. Wrong knee…

It seems pretty difficult to accidentally rub the wrong person’s knee. We’re not really sure how this happened.

4. Boston Fans

These kids are definitely Boston fans.

5. Antoine Walker

A subtle little floor jiggle…

6. Shaq… incoming!

… and the bench clears!

7. Deal with it!

A smooth fall from the legendary Larry Bird.

8. Cowboy

We’re not exactly sure what’s going on here…

9. Trampoline dunk fail.

He still deserves a prize for allowing a legendary GIF to be born.

10. Thumbs up!

For the Bucks?

11. LA Fans…

Summarized in one GIF.

12. Lebron gets photobombed.

By Chris Bosh.

13. Derrick Rose doesn’t dance.

But Lebron definitely does!

If you don’t want to end up as a basketball fail GIF one dyou should click herehere.