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New Favorite Actions from Around the World

New Favorite Actions from Around the World

Thanks to the feedback we got from you, we decided to share some more great actions and sets we have observed from watching games from around the world.

Play 1:  Slice to Middle Pick and Roll

Starting in a 1-4 high, 1 hits 3 and cuts to the corner off 5.  At the same time 2 is cutting off 4.  3 can hit 2 if open.  If not, 3 reverse to 5.  On the reversal pass to 4, 2 screens for 3, then comes off the down screen from 5.  4 reverses to 2, who then uses 5’s ball screen.  

You can change which player comes off the down screen for the high pick and roll.  In this example, when the ball is with 4, 2 and 5 set a stagger screen for 1.  1 catches up top and then gets a ball screen from 5.


Play 2:  Slice Counter

Here is a counter to the first play, especially when 2s defender likes to sag off to stop the slice cut..  It begins with the same initial action.  As 3 starts to cut off 2s screen, 3 will now screen for 2 as 5 screens down for 2. 2 cuts to the top for the shot.  You can still get into the ball screen action if 2 does not have a clean look at the rim.


If you are a fan of Slice/Shuffle cut sets, make sure you look at Coach Matt Doherty’s clinic on the B Series set utilized by Coach Dean Smith at North Carolina.

Play 3: Point to Spread PNR

Point is a play action designed to get your best shooter a quick open look off a screen.  In this set, 5 sets a quick pin down for 2.  1 passes to 2.  If 2 does not have a quick look, 1 will rub off 5s screen to the corner.  5 will then turn and set the middle ball screen for 2 as 4 and 3 spot up.


Having your players understand how to utilize ball screens are critical at all levels of play.  Coach Wesley Brooks covers pre screen reads in this clinic presentation.

Play 4: BOB Triangle to Post Up

Screen the screener action has always been a part of baseline out of bounds plays.  Here is a set that gives you the opportunity to post up or allow the inbounder to step in and get the ball back from the post for a quick drive.


Play 5: Flex Action

The flex can also be utilized from a baseline inbounds situation as well.  

Notice the counter action which changes who receives the reversal pass and who sets the flex screen and comes off the down screen.


Coach Russ Williamsen gave a clinic presentation on building  baseline inbounds ideas we suggest you check out.  

Play 6: Tau Zone Ball Screen

Ball screens are a great way to create advantages against the zone. Here is a play from Spanish professional team Tau Ceramica from 2008 (now called Saski Baskonia) used in Euroleague competition.


If you are looking for more ways to use ball screens against the zone, check out Coach Russ Bergman’s clinic presentation here.  Need more zone sets?  Coach Rob Jones has you covered.