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Unlocking the True Potential of Your Special Teams Play

Do you want to elevate your special teams to a whole new level? At the 3rd Annual Lauren’s First and Goal Clinic, Rob Keys, Ohio State Special Teams Analyst shared some of the insights and techniques used by Ohio State's special teams, which have made them a force to be reckoned with. 

We’ll break down the skills and drills that can help you revolutionize your special teams coaching and leave a lasting impact on your team’s success.

Key Takeaways:

1. Emphasize Effort and Toughness

The first and most crucial factor for success in special teams is playing with effort and toughness. Coaches must demand these qualities from their players, regardless of their experience or position. These qualities are a choice that every player must make, and they should be instilled in them from a young age.

2. Focus on Technique and Attention to Detail

Another critical aspect of special teams success is precision and attention to detail when it comes to technique. Players need to develop their skills and improve their football fundamentals constantly.urses/football/fundamentals">football fundamentals constantly. By focusing on technique, players can win at the junction points in the game when they must engage with blockers or make contact with the ball carrier.

3. Utilize the Unique Makeup of Special Teams

Special teams units are comprised of players from all different levels of experience and positions. This diversity offers coaches a unique opportunity to connect with and develop players in various stages of their careers. By leveraging this unique makeup, coaches can create a more cohesive and effective special teams unit.

4. Instill a One-Play Mentality

Special teams plays can change the momentum of a game in an instant. By instilling a one-play mentality in their players, coaches can help them focus on making game-changing plays and swinging the momentum in their team's favor.

5. Master Proper Positioning for Speed and Power

To be successful on special teams, players need to be able to quickly change directions and create contact with blockers. Coaches should focus on teaching their players to be in a speed or power position, depending on the situation. This positioning will allow players to dominate the field and make significant plays for their team.

Coach Keys covers the keys to the Buckeyes successful special teams play in this video


Example Drills

Speed to Power

Speed to Power works the transition necessary to get to the blocker and then either avoid of defeat the block. This is a very useful strategy drill to work this phase of coverage. Coach Keys shows it here:

Defeat Drill

The defeat drill works in a small space without the run and impact typical of a full field rep, but focus on the specific technique and decision making involved to defeat the block and make a play.  Coach Keys illustrates the drill in the video with practice film:



Finishing the play is the key, and like the other drills shown, it can be worked in just a segment taking some of the run and impact  out of the rep. Coach Keys demonstrates it here:

By adopting Ohio State's winning techniques and strategies, you can elevate your special teams and help your team achieve greater success on the field. Emphasize effort, toughness, and technique, and take advantage of the unique makeup of your special teams unit. With these strategies in place, your team can become a special teams juggernaut that can swing the momentum of any game in your favor.