Drill Objective
This drill helps players practice on-the-ball defensive technique in a 'numbers-down' context.

Drill Set-Up
Separate players into groups of three. For each group, set out a 20-x-10-yard area, using cones to create small goals at or near each corner of the area. Two players are attackers and one is a defender. The defender begins in one corner and the attackers begin in the two opposite corners. The defender starts play by passing diagonally to an attacker. The two attackers work together to score by dribbling through the goal farthest away from their starting point. The defender attempts to prevent the attackers from scoring and also tries to steal the ball or force play outside of the area. Attackers earn one point per goal; the defender earns two points for stealing, intercepting, or forcing play outside of the area. Be sure to have players switch roles frequently.