Drill Objective
The purpose of this drill is to teach players initial covering skills in 2 v. 1 situations where the defense has the advantage.

Drill Set-Up
This drill builds on the set-up and play of previous drill, Defending 2 v. 1. As before, separate players into groups of three, with one soccer ball per group. For each group, set out a 20-x-10-yard area, using cones to create small goals at or near each corner of the area. In this set-up, two players are defenders and one player is the attacker. The attacker begins in one of his corners and the defenders begin in the two corners opposite. Play begins when the back defender plays the ball diagonally to the attacker. Both defenders can move upon the attacker's first touch. The attacker attempts to beat the defenders and score by dribbling through one of the far goals. The defenders work together to prevent the attacker from scoring. The front (first) defender directly pressures the attacker, and the back (second) defender covers, sweeps and provides support behind her teammate. The attacker earns two points for scoring a goal. The defenders earn one point for stealing, intercepting or forcing play outside of the area.