3v3 + Feeder Keep Away Drill

We experimented with this Keep Away variation at our JM3 Colorado Girls Training Camp a few weeks ago in Denver and it helped our girls learn how to easily transition from a Ram Screen to a Spain look.

Drill Set up

  • Feeder starts with the ball while the off ball defenders of the 3v3 deny passes
  • Off ball players in the 3v3 work together to get open.  This is a great opportunity to learn how to seal your own man and communicate to a teammate to use your seal.
  • When the ball gets to a player in the 3v3 the defense is no longer denying passes should mix up two coverages: Switch the pick or pressure and fight over the pick, 
  • When the ball gets to a player in the 3v3 we are looking for a Ram Screen, which is an off ball pick before an on ball pick
  • After the Ram, we taught the girls to pick for the picker which is known as Spain.


Watch the video below and you will see clips in chronological order as the girls began to learn how to think quickly, communicate, read the defense and each other all while handling the ball under pressure.  This drill is a phenomenal way for players to learn a vast amount of concepts!

One thing you will notice is the Spain Slip is usually what will be most open!  When you pick for the picker, there is often a successful switch to the cutter, but there is rarely a successful switch to the picker because the on ball picker's defender, who is being picked, is still wrapped up in the on ball action and that switch / stay scenario.