NLL 2man Entries

Check out this reel from Jr Adanacs Pete Tellis on 2man Entries from the NLL.  Variations of slips, picks, seals and more!


The Wildcat Offense

This is an offense I helped install at Northwestern that has had a major impact on the way NU plays, the way they develop players, and the way they recruit.  This offense is a box lacrosse style offense that involves two man games going on simultaneously on both the Ball Side and the Off Ball Side.

In 2017 Northwestern struggled to score goals.  I remember going up to watch them at Colorado that spring and they lost the contest with the CU goalie garnering 20 saves.  NU was not a great shooting team that year and there were a lot of reasons why.

The main reason was they took low angle shots with their sticks to the outside.  Look at the shooting stats from 2017.

In the 2018 Season I started working remotely with Kelly and Scotty and we transformed their offense to more a Box style offense attacking from the elbows, playing two man, sticks to the inside and avoiding alley shots.  In addition, we spent a lot more time working on finishing on goalies.  NU actually uses men's goalies from the club team as managers who are allowed to practice with the team.  If you look at the shooting percentages from these two years with a simple philosophical switch, it is quite amazing.

Here's how the Wildcat Offense Ranks in 2020.  Check out where Arizona State ranks!  Oh yeah, UMass is running the Wildcat offense too!