4x Outside the Arc

This game is a new innovation that has elicited some amazing adaptations with our JM3 Athletes.  We use the 5-6 yard arc from our 3x Outside The Arc game and draw 45 degree lines from the crease, making a mini "8".  We play a 4v4 game where one defensive player hops in net creating an all time 4v3 game.  A 15 second shot clock speeds up the game, and all shot must come from outside the Arc and the mini 8.  Players can sneak in backside on the 45 degree angle from the crease, but can't cross the line to score.  This constraint causes the defense to rotate more, because the only shots will come from the perimeter.  Offensively, this space constraint teaches players how to look for their outside shot, resulting in multiple hitches and screen shots.  Further, there are some great perimeter 2man games where the dodgers are looking for their shot and the pickers either stick the pick or slip it to the perimeter.