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"When I sell my content from my links I collect 96% of the sale, no strings attached. When CoachTube sells my stuff, I make 76%. When a third-party vendor sells one of my courses, I make 46%. These numbers seem to good to be true. I had a DVD with another company, their #1 best-seller. I made only 10% from their sales. If the same product was marketed by Coach Tube, I would have made tens of thousands of dollars. I love the control I have over my content. Love the bundles, the coupons, and the sales. After the creation of 15 courses, I could not be happier with Wade Floyd and CoachTube." Tony Holler

"I have spent the past 30 years coaching tennis and influencing the best players from Venus and Serena Williams to Brazilian Guga Kuerten and many more. Now CoachTube is helping me deliver my revolutionary techniques to a whole new generation of kids, adults, coaches, and future pros." Oscar Wegner

"I service an international audience of coaches and basketball players who want to take their game to the next level. One of the more common questions I get is concerning what drills to practice. CoachTube has allowed me to turn hours of basketball instructional content into one organized course. We now have an on demand course that coaches and players can use to enhance their basketball skill set." Koran Godwin

"So often, I meet players and their parents at tournaments, wondering when they can get some of my time, so I can work one-on-one with their daughters. I have told them about my online videos in the past. Now, I can refer them to CoachTube. They can watch my lessons in an organized fashion, on their own time." Bonnie Bright

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