The coach (F) is just behind the service line, deuce side, having a basket of balls to feed from.
The players are positioned as follows: A at the deuce side baseline, B at the net (ad side) – both are opposite from the coach; player C is on the same side with the coach, at service line. (see graphic below)

On the “go!” the coach will feed a very low over the net and short ball into the opposing service court for player A to move up; A will have to run up to get it before it bounces twice and push it over the net as a drop-shot. The coach and his partner ( C ) will move up and from there on the point is played out.
For this drill, no lobs are allowed – players will have to practice good court positioning and shot placement.
Once the point is over, players take their initial positions and the drill repeats.
Rotate players places clockwise after each 5 points (coach stays put).

Through this drill the players practice dynamic balance, court positioning and quick decision making.

counteract the low short