The coach (F) is about half way between service line and baseline, ad side. Player (A) is on the other side of the net, about half way inside the service box, deuce side.
The coach feeds 20 balls alternating down the alley then close to the center line. Player A will move side to side hitting only forehand volleys. Even though it would be easier for the player to hit a backhand when the ball comes down the center, she will run around it and execute forehand volley instead.
Purpose: footwork quickness and conditioning.
After a 30 second break, the coach can move to the deuce side and player A to the ad side and continue the drill with the player executing backhands this time.
For cardio/group classes each player should do this drill once; the waiting players should perform various exercises such as jumping jacks, jump rope or ladder drills.

volley work