Tactical Purpose: This drill teaches the team that is getting lobed how to position and communicate, as well as teaches the opposing team (that sends the lob) to attack and put pressure on their opponents.

Both teams (A-B and C-D) are positioned in one-up-one-back formations, on opposite sides. The coach (F) is at the net, close to player B (see graphic below).

The coach will feed a lob over player B. While player A runs to retrieve the lob, player B will switch over to the other half and move back toward the baseline (facing the net) as quickly as she can. As team A-B retrieves the lob, team C-D will move up to the net and prepare for an eventual overhead.
The two teams play the point out.
Start each point in the same set-up and same feed until one of the teams wins 5 points. They will then rotate one spot clockwise so that every player will practice lob retrieving, switching, and attacking.

lob over the net player