There are two players, as a team, at the baseline – A and B. On the other side, baseline, a single file line of players gets ready to play. The coach (F) is on the same side with team A – B, ready to feed from the basket for players to begin the point.
First player in line (C) receives a ball from the coach. He will play the point out against team A-B using only singles court (both sides). After the point is over, if the single player won, he receives a point then moves to the end of the line. The next player steps forward to play against the team.
First player to win 2 points against the team will take out one of the team’s players and replace him. Say “sorry!” before they take a player out. The player who was replaced goes to the end of the line and gets ready to play when his turn comes.
Every time a new player takes up a spot in the doubles team, the previous scores are reset to 0.
Play for as long as players have fun.
– the coach can vary the feed to the single players: short (to bring them up to the net), high bouncing ball etc.

two on one sorry