This game must be played on two courts. On each court there are at least 3 players as a team.
Each team will assign one player to be the “court defender” (CD).
The CD will have to move to the other court and play against the other team as follows:
CD will be on one side, baseline; the opposing team of players will be lined up on the other side, baseline, in a single file line. Play starts simultaneously on both courts with the first player in line drop-and-hitting a ball to the CD. Each player in line will play a point against the CD, one at a time.
The CD counts every point she wins. Her goal is to win 7 points. The players in the opposing line don’t count points; their job is to make the CD win as few points as possible.
On each of the two courts, the CDs are trying to win 7 points. The CD who gets to 7 first will win 1 game for their team.
The teams will then designate another CD and the game goes on with a new court defender to compete against the opposing team.
Keep playing until one of the teams wins 10 games.

Note: Fun and competitive game for large groups (6 players and up). This is a players’ favorite game.

court defender