The coach (F) feeds balls from inside the baseline. The player (A) begins the drill from the opposite side, baseline.
The coach feeds balls side to side, deep; the player practices a series of 4 balls as follows:
1. forehand ground-stroke cross-court
2. backhand ground-stroke cross-court
3. forehand ground-stroke cross-court
4. backhand drop shot cross-court.
The drill continues with the same pattern except that all the balls are directed down-the-line:
1. forehand ground-stroke down-the-line
2. backhand ground-stroke down-the-line
3. forehand ground-stroke down-the-line
4. backhand drop shot down-the-line
After these two series the drill continues with the same pattern except that the coach will begin the drill feeding to the player’s backhand so that the 4th ball is a forehand drop-shot.
– the first 3 balls should be hit aggressively with lots of topspin, and deep;
– recommended for intermediate and advanced level players.

power and finesse