This is a drill that allows players to practice groundstrokes accuracy and consistency.
Four players are positioned at the baseline, two on each side (see graphic below) – players A and B on one side, hit all the balls cross-court; C and D opposite side, hit all the balls down-the-line.
The coach (F) having a basket of balls to feed from is at one of the net posts.
Coach (F) feeds a ball to player A to start the rally. He sends the ball cross-court to C.
Player C sends the ball down-the-line to B.
Player B sends the ball cross-court to D.
Player D sends the ball down-the-line to A.
The pattern continues for as long as the player consistently hits the ball in and to their respective target (cross-court or down-the-line).
As soon as a player misses (hits into the net or outside the required target area), the coach quickly puts another ball in sending it to the player who just missed.
Continue this drill until they hit 30 balls over the net (coach counts) then players move one spot clockwise practicing to different targets and strokes.
– if a player misses, the other team gets a point; play first to win 5 points then players switch places (right with left and vice versa).
Recommended to intermediate and advanced players.

zig zagging