There are two teams: A – B and C – D.
Team C – D will play every point in the one-up-one-back formation while team A – B will begin in the “I” formation (net player is at the center line; server close to baseline center mark) every time.
The coach (F), who previously instructed the players about the benefits of the “I” formation, will supervise and advise A and B players at each point.
Play regular games while having the serving team (A – B) begin in the “I” formation.
After a game is complete the other team serves, also beginning each point in the “I” formation.
This pattern repeats until every player gets to serve and play at the net using this strategic form.
Advantages of the “I” formation:
– elements of surprise: the returner does not know where the opposing net player would move.

Disadvantages of the “I” formation:
– if not timed properly, the switch between the serving and net players could affect their court coverage and getting to the ball in time.

Every intermediate and advanced level player should be familiar with the “I” formation – how to play it and how to play against it.

practicing the i-formation